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  1. 21 Apr, 2023 1 commit
    • Nicolas Wavrant's avatar
      erp5_core: fix addToDate when removing a month · 34d26a74
      Nicolas Wavrant authored
      The way addToDate was working with dates was not good, and creating
      confusion when removing 1 month from the last days of a 31-day month, as
      the previous day had less days than the current month:
      date = DateTime(2023, 5, 31)
      print date
      print addToDate(date, month=-1)
      > 2023/05/31 00:00:00 GMT+2
      > 2023/05/01 00:00:00 GMT+2
      This was even more confusing in March, with february having only 28
      date = DateTime(2023, 3, 31)
      print date
      print addToDate(date, month=-1)
      > 2023/03/31 00:00:00 GMT+2
      > 2023/03/03 00:00:00 GMT+2
      The new behavior is to, when removing a month, if the new day of the new
      month is more than the number of days in month to default to the last
      day of the month. For exemple, removing one month from 31/05 becomes
      30/04, and from there it will add/remove the days as necessary.
      The real issue being that removing a month is ambiguous and can mean
      a different thing for different people.
      For reference, the reference implementation of timedelta in python
      doesn't support adding months:
      I hope my solution will make the more sense in ERP5's context.
  2. 06 Apr, 2023 1 commit
  3. 05 Apr, 2023 4 commits
  4. 03 Apr, 2023 6 commits
  5. 31 Mar, 2023 6 commits
  6. 29 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  7. 28 Mar, 2023 3 commits
    • Rafael Monnerat's avatar
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      pylint: Add support for XLTE · f750cbee
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      XLTE(*) follows the same top-level packaging structure like
      wendelin.core does.
      Registration is done via new `register_xpkg` function instead of just
      loop so that pkgname argument is properly captured in created lambda and
      does not change after going to next iteration.
      /reviewed-by @jerome
      /reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!1762
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      pylint: Fix wendelin transform to yield module with a .name · 421d6068
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      In 5796a17a (core_test: Add test to make sure that wendelin.core
      basically works) I added wendelin_transform to pylint so that the
      checker could recognize wendelin.core's special wendelin top-level
      module/package and handle ok
      	from wendelin.bigarray.array_zodb import ZBigArray
      this works, but e.g. for plain
      	import wendelin			or
      	from wendelin import bigarray
      pylint currenly fails with
      	AssertionError: explicit relative import, but no context_file?
      To better see what is going on let's conside the following test program
      	from wendelin.bigarray.array_zodb import ZBigArray
      	from wendelin import bigarray
      	def main():
      	    _ = ZBigArray
      and run pylint on it. Here is what it gives:
                wendelin_transform Module(wendelin)
                -> Module()
          visit_from From()
            basename: wendelin.bigarray.array_zodb
            names:    [('ZBigArray', None)]
            modnode:  Module(test)
              get_imported_module From() wendelin.bigarray.array_zodb
            importedmodnode: Module(wendelin.bigarray.array_zodb)
          ('_add_imported_module', <From() l.3 [test] at 0x7ff214b4cb90>, 'wendelin.bigarray.array_zodb.ZBigArray')
                wendelin_transform Module(wendelin)
                -> Module()
          visit_from From()
            basename: wendelin
            names:    [('bigarray', None)]
            modnode:  Module(test)
              get_imported_module From() wendelin
                wendelin_transform Module(wendelin)
                -> Module()
            importedmodnode: Module()
          ************* Module test
          W:  4, 0: Relative import 'wendelin', should be '' (relative-import)
          ('_add_imported_module', <From() l.4 [test] at 0x7ff214b4cf50>, '.bigarray')
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "./", line 22, in <module>
              Run(['', '--reports=n'], exit=False)
            File "/home/kirr/src/tools/py/pylint/pylint/", line 1332, in __init__
            File "/home/kirr/src/tools/py/pylint/pylint/", line 747, in check
            File "/home/kirr/src/tools/py/pylint/pylint/", line 869, in _do_check
              self.check_astroid_module(ast_node, walker, rawcheckers, tokencheckers)
            File "/home/kirr/src/tools/py/pylint/pylint/", line 946, in check_astroid_module
            File "/home/kirr/src/tools/py/pylint/pylint/", line 874, in walk
            File "/home/kirr/src/tools/py/pylint/pylint/", line 871, in walk
            File "/home/kirr/src/tools/py/pylint/pylint/checkers/", line 288, in visit_from
              self._add_imported_module(node, '%s.%s' % (, name))
            File "/home/kirr/src/tools/py/pylint/pylint/checkers/", line 328, in _add_imported_module
              importedmodname = get_module_part(importedmodname)
            File "/home/kirr/src/tools/py/astroid/astroid/", line 359, in get_module_part
              'explicit relative import, but no context_file?'
          AssertionError: explicit relative import, but no context_file?
      we see that the line
      	from wendelin.bigarray.array_zodb import ZBigArray
      corresponds to
      	('_add_imported_module', <From() l.3 [test] at 0x7ff214b4cb90>, 'wendelin.bigarray.array_zodb.ZBigArray')
      and the line
      	from wendelin import bigarray
      corresponds to
      	('_add_imported_module', <From() l.4 [test] at 0x7ff214b4cf50>, '.bigarray')
      notice that in the latter case there is no 'wendelin' prefix and the
      import goes as just '.bigarray' instead of 'wendelin.bigarray' which
      leads to further crash in get_module_part.
      -> Fix it by initializing wendelin module yielded by wendelin_transform
      with .name set. Not sure why it is working longer imports without that.
      Without the fix added test breaks as
          .../instance/slappart5/bin$ ./runUnitTest -v -v -v  testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent
          Running Unit tests of <class 'testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent'>
          testImportVersionedComponentOnly (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testInvalidId (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testInvalidSourceCode (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testModuleSecurityInfo (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testPylint (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... FAIL
          testPylintAstroidModuleGeneratedOnce (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testPylintNamedtupleUnicodeLiteralsRegression (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testReferenceWithReservedKeywords (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testValidateInvalidateDelete (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testVersionPriority (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testVersionWithReservedKeywords (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent) ... ok
          testWorkflowErrorMessage (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent)
          Check that validation error messages are stored in workflow ... ok
          FAIL: testPylint (testDynamicClassGeneration.TestZodbModuleComponent)
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File ".../parts/erp5/Products/ERP5Type/tests/", line 2347, in testPylint
            File ".../parts/erp5/product/ERP5Type/mixin/", line 329, in checkSourceCode
              return checkPythonSourceCode(self.getTextContent(), self.getPortalType())
            File ".../parts/erp5/product/ERP5Type/", line 540, in checkPythonSourceCode
              Run(args, reporter=TextReporter(output_file), exit=False)
            File ".../develop-eggs/pylint-1.4.4+slapospatched002-py2.7.egg/pylint/", line 1332, in __init__
            File ".../develop-eggs/pylint-1.4.4+slapospatched002-py2.7.egg/pylint/", line 747, in check
            File ".../develop-eggs/pylint-1.4.4+slapospatched002-py2.7.egg/pylint/", line 869, in _do_check
              self.check_astroid_module(ast_node, walker, rawcheckers, tokencheckers)
            File ".../develop-eggs/pylint-1.4.4+slapospatched002-py2.7.egg/pylint/", line 946, in check_astroid_module
            File ".../develop-eggs/pylint-1.4.4+slapospatched002-py2.7.egg/pylint/", line 874, in walk
            File ".../develop-eggs/pylint-1.4.4+slapospatched002-py2.7.egg/pylint/", line 871, in walk
            File ".../develop-eggs/pylint-1.4.4+slapospatched002-py2.7.egg/pylint/checkers/", line 253, in visit_import
            File ".../develop-eggs/pylint-1.4.4+slapospatched002-py2.7.egg/pylint/checkers/", line 319, in _add_imported_module
              importedmodname = get_module_part(importedmodname)
            File ".../develop-eggs/astroid-1.3.8+slapospatched001-py2.7.egg/astroid/", line 359, in get_module_part
              'explicit relative import, but no context_file?'
          AssertionError: explicit relative import, but no context_file?
          Ran 13 tests in 137.609s
          FAILED (failures=1)
      /helped-and-reviewed-by @jerome
      /reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!1762
  8. 27 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  9. 25 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  10. 24 Mar, 2023 12 commits
  11. 22 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  12. 21 Mar, 2023 1 commit
  13. 20 Mar, 2023 2 commits
    • Rafael Monnerat's avatar
      Events minor update · 37c3fc43
      Rafael Monnerat authored
      See merge request nexedi/erp5!1756
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      *: use getPortalObject directly · 58f528bb
      Jérome Perrin authored
      Products.CMFCore's version 2.7.0 of portal_url.getPortalObject
      returns the portal in an incomplete acquisition context, which
      causes issues when the site is registered as ISiteRoot utility
      (the typical error being AttributeError REQUEST)
      ERP5Site.getPortalObject works just fine and is used in many
      places, this commit replaces all occurences of
      portal_url.getPortalObject by getPortalObject.