gitlab-backup/restore: pg_restore need a least --filename argument for output file
pg_restore command now need at least -d/--dbname or -f/--filename argument. use --if-exits to not drop table if it doesn't exists. -------- kirr: * pg_restore started to require `-f` in PostgreSQL 12. From : In pg_restore, require specification of -f - to send the dump contents to standard output (Euler Taveira) Previously, this happened by default if no destination was specified, but that was deemed to be unfriendly. * --if-exists suppresses "does not exist" warnings if restored table did not exist in the database. From : --if-exists Use DROP ... IF EXISTS commands to drop objects in --clean mode. This suppresses “does not exist” errors that might otherwise be reported. This option is not valid unless --clean is also specified. /reviewed-by @kirr /reviewed-on !9