Empty dirs are not tracked (Restoring repo require their name to ends with ".git")
To reproduce the bug:
get some bare repo:
$ git clone --bare slapos slapos.git
backup-pull it:
$ mkdir backup && cd backup && git init
$ git-backup pull ../slapos.git/:slapos
when restoring:
$ git-backup restore HEAD slapos:../slapos.restored
$ cd .. && git clone slapos.restored slapos_bis
fatal: repository 'slapos.restored' does not exist
As @kirr explained me, it is due to git not tracking trees of empty directories:
$ls slapos.git/refs/ -Ra
. .. heads tags
. ..
. ..
So some directory that are used by the restored repo are missing. This is currently fixed by detecting if it is a git repo or not (it is also possible to backup usual folder/files) by verifying its extension. So it works fine when restoring this way:
$ git-backup restore HEAD slapos:../slapos.restored.git
$ cd ../slapos.restored.git && git log
commit 5f5d5102cf2dd2b4a8d092e32dfc6b87fa3bbc12
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