Commit 791fec05 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

[release-branch.go1.4] runtime: fix atomic operations on non-heap addresses

««« CL 179030043 / e4ab8f908aac
runtime: fix atomic operations on non-heap addresses
Race detector runtime does not tolerate operations on addresses
that was not previously declared with __tsan_map_shadow
(namely, data, bss and heap). The corresponding address
checks for atomic operations were removed in
Restore these checks.
It's tricker than just not calling into race runtime,
because it is the race runtime that makes the atomic
operations themselves (if we do not call into race runtime
we skip the atomic operation itself as well). So instead we call
__tsan_go_ignore_sync_start/end around the atomic operation.
This forces race runtime to skip all other processing
except than doing the atomic operation itself.
Fixes #9136.



parent a791780b
......@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ extern byte runtime·ebss[];
extern byte runtime·noptrbss[];
extern byte runtime·enoptrbss[];
// start/end of global data (data+bss).
uintptr runtime·racedatastart;
uintptr runtime·racedataend;
// start/end of heap for race_amd64.s
uintptr runtime·racearenastart;
uintptr runtime·racearenaend;
......@@ -92,13 +95,7 @@ isvalidaddr(uintptr addr)
if(addr >= runtime·racearenastart && addr < runtime·racearenaend)
return true;
if(addr >= (uintptr)runtime·noptrdata && addr < (uintptr)runtime·enoptrdata)
return true;
if(addr >= (uintptr)runtime·data && addr < (uintptr)runtime·edata)
return true;
if(addr >= (uintptr)runtime·bss && addr < (uintptr)runtime·ebss)
return true;
if(addr >= (uintptr)runtime·noptrbss && addr < (uintptr)runtime·enoptrbss)
if(addr >= runtime·racedatastart && addr < runtime·racedataend)
return true;
return false;
......@@ -139,6 +136,8 @@ runtime·raceinit(void)
start = start & ~(PageSize-1);
size = ROUND(end - start, PageSize);
runtime·racecall(__tsan_map_shadow, start, size);
runtime·racedatastart = start;
runtime·racedataend = start + size;
return racectx;
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build race
// +build darwin freebsd linux
package race_test
import (
// Test that race detector does not crash when accessing non-Go allocated memory (issue 9136).
func TestNonGoMemory(t *testing.T) {
data, err := syscall.Mmap(-1, 0, 4096, syscall.PROT_READ|syscall.PROT_WRITE, syscall.MAP_ANON|syscall.MAP_PRIVATE)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to mmap memory: %v", err)
p := (*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]))
atomic.AddUint32(p, 1)
if *p != 2 {
t.Fatalf("data[0] = %v, expect 2", *p)
......@@ -138,17 +138,15 @@ TEXT racecalladdr<>(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0
MOVQ g(R12), R14
MOVQ g_racectx(R14), RARG0 // goroutine context
// Check that addr is within [arenastart, arenaend) or within [noptrdata, enoptrbss).
// Check that addr is within [arenastart, arenaend) or within [racedatastart, racedataend).
CMPQ RARG1, runtime·racearenastart(SB)
JB racecalladdr_data
CMPQ RARG1, runtime·racearenaend(SB)
JB racecalladdr_call
MOVQ $runtime·noptrdata(SB), R13
CMPQ RARG1, runtime·racedatastart(SB)
JB racecalladdr_ret
MOVQ $runtime·enoptrbss(SB), R13
CMPQ RARG1, runtime·racedataend(SB)
JAE racecalladdr_ret
MOVQ AX, AX // w/o this 6a miscompiles this function
......@@ -166,6 +164,7 @@ TEXT runtime·racefuncenter(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
MOVQ callpc+0(FP), RARG1
// void __tsan_func_enter(ThreadState *thr, void *pc);
MOVQ $__tsan_func_enter(SB), AX
// racecall<> preserves R15
CALL racecall<>(SB)
MOVQ R15, DX // restore function entry context
......@@ -306,13 +305,45 @@ TEXT sync∕atomic·CompareAndSwapPointer(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0
TEXT racecallatomic<>(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0
// Trigger SIGSEGV early.
MOVQ 16(SP), R12
MOVL (R12), R12
MOVL (R12), R13
// Check that addr is within [arenastart, arenaend) or within [racedatastart, racedataend).
CMPQ R12, runtime·racearenastart(SB)
JB racecallatomic_data
CMPQ R12, runtime·racearenaend(SB)
JB racecallatomic_ok
CMPQ R12, runtime·racedatastart(SB)
JB racecallatomic_ignore
CMPQ R12, runtime·racedataend(SB)
JAE racecallatomic_ignore
// Addr is within the good range, call the atomic function.
MOVQ g(R12), R14
MOVQ g_racectx(R14), RARG0 // goroutine context
MOVQ 8(SP), RARG1 // caller pc
MOVQ (SP), RARG2 // pc
LEAQ 16(SP), RARG3 // arguments
JMP racecall<>(SB) // does not return
// Addr is outside the good range.
// Call __tsan_go_ignore_sync_begin to ignore synchronization during the atomic op.
// An attempt to synchronize on the address would cause crash.
MOVQ AX, R15 // remember the original function
MOVQ $__tsan_go_ignore_sync_begin(SB), AX
MOVQ g(R12), R14
MOVQ g_racectx(R14), RARG0 // goroutine context
CALL racecall<>(SB)
MOVQ R15, AX // restore the original function
// Call the atomic function.
MOVQ g_racectx(R14), RARG0 // goroutine context
MOVQ 8(SP), RARG1 // caller pc
MOVQ (SP), RARG2 // pc
LEAQ 16(SP), RARG3 // arguments
CALL racecall<>(SB)
// Call __tsan_go_ignore_sync_end.
MOVQ $__tsan_go_ignore_sync_end(SB), AX
MOVQ g_racectx(R14), RARG0 // goroutine context
JMP racecall<>(SB)
// void runtime·racecall(void(*f)(...), ...)
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