Commit 32dc0dc4 authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Started on LookUpInodeOp.kernelResponse.

parent 9206e9af
......@@ -455,9 +455,10 @@ func convertExpirationTime(t time.Time) (d time.Duration) {
func convertChildInodeEntry(
in *ChildInodeEntry,
out *fuseshim.LookupResponse) {
out.Node = fuseshim.NodeID(in.Child)
out.Generation = uint64(in.Generation)
out *fusekernel.EntryOut) {
out.Nodeid = in.Child
out.Generation = in.Generation
convertAttributes(in.Attributes, &out.Attr)
out.Attr = convertAttributes(in.Child, in.Attributes, in.AttributesExpiration)
out.EntryValid = convertExpirationTime(in.EntryExpiration)
......@@ -85,11 +85,17 @@ func (o *LookUpInodeOp) ShortDesc() (desc string) {
func (o *LookUpInodeOp) kernelResponse() (msg []byte) {
resp := fuseshim.LookupResponse{}
convertChildInodeEntry(&o.Entry, &resp)
size := fusekernel.EntryOutSize(fusekernel.Protocol{0, 0})
buf := NewBuffer(size)
out := (*fusekernel.EntryOut)(buf.Alloc(size))
out.Nodeid = uint64(resp.Node)
out.Generation = resp.Generation
out.EntryValid = uint64(resp.EntryValid / time.Second)
out.EntryValidNsec = uint32(resp.EntryValid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
out.AttrValid = uint64(resp.Attr.Valid / time.Second)
out.AttrValidNsec = uint32(resp.Attr.Valid % time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
resp.Attr.attr(&out.Attr, r.Header.Conn.proto)
// Refresh the attributes for an inode whose ID was previously returned in a
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