Commit ef0f78e2 authored by Georgi Kodinov's avatar Georgi Kodinov


parents 6c3dbd9d c38a614c
......@@ -2252,4 +2252,23 @@ h+0 d + 0 e g + 0
1 1 3 0
1 1 4 0
# Test of BUG#35570 CHECKSUM TABLE unreliable if LINESTRING field
# (same content / differen checksum)
CREATE TABLE t1 (line LINESTRING NOT NULL) engine=myisam;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("POINT(0 0)"));
checksum table t1;
Table Checksum
test.t1 326284887
CREATE TABLE t2 (line LINESTRING NOT NULL) engine=myisam;
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (GeomFromText("POINT(0 0)"));
checksum table t2;
Table Checksum
test.t2 326284887
CREATE TABLE t3 select * from t1;
checksum table t3;
Table Checksum
test.t3 326284887
drop table t1,t2,t3;
End of 5.1 tests
......@@ -1503,5 +1503,20 @@ SELECT h+0, d + 0, e, g + 0 FROM t1;
--echo #
--echo # Test of BUG#35570 CHECKSUM TABLE unreliable if LINESTRING field
--echo # (same content / differen checksum)
--echo #
CREATE TABLE t1 (line LINESTRING NOT NULL) engine=myisam;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (GeomFromText("POINT(0 0)"));
checksum table t1;
CREATE TABLE t2 (line LINESTRING NOT NULL) engine=myisam;
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (GeomFromText("POINT(0 0)"));
checksum table t2;
CREATE TABLE t3 select * from t1;
checksum table t3;
drop table t1,t2,t3;
--echo End of 5.1 tests
......@@ -3037,7 +3037,7 @@ int ha_partition::write_row(uchar * buf)
m_last_part= part_id;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Insert in partition %d", part_id));
start_part_bulk_insert(thd, part_id);
tmp_disable_binlog(thd); /* Do not replicate the low-level changes. */
error= m_file[part_id]->ha_write_row(buf);
......@@ -3101,7 +3101,7 @@ int ha_partition::update_row(const uchar *old_data, uchar *new_data)
m_last_part= new_part_id;
start_part_bulk_insert(thd, new_part_id);
if (new_part_id == old_part_id)
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Update in partition %d", new_part_id));
......@@ -3282,17 +3282,63 @@ void ha_partition::start_bulk_insert(ha_rows rows)
Check if start_bulk_insert has been called for this partition,
if not, call it and mark it called
void ha_partition::start_part_bulk_insert(uint part_id)
void ha_partition::start_part_bulk_insert(THD *thd, uint part_id)
long old_buffer_size;
if (!bitmap_is_set(&m_bulk_insert_started, part_id) &&
bitmap_is_set(&m_bulk_insert_started, m_tot_parts))
old_buffer_size= thd->variables.read_buff_size;
/* Update read_buffer_size for this partition */
thd->variables.read_buff_size= estimate_read_buffer_size(old_buffer_size);
bitmap_set_bit(&m_bulk_insert_started, part_id);
thd->variables.read_buff_size= old_buffer_size;
Estimate the read buffer size for each partition.
original_size read buffer size originally set for the server
estimated buffer size.
If the estimated number of rows to insert is less than 10 (but not 0)
the new buffer size is same as original buffer size.
In case of first partition of when partition function is monotonic
new buffer size is same as the original buffer size.
For rest of the partition total buffer of 10*original_size is divided
equally if number of partition is more than 10 other wise each partition
will be allowed to use original buffer size.
long ha_partition::estimate_read_buffer_size(long original_size)
If number of rows to insert is less than 10, but not 0,
return original buffer size.
if (estimation_rows_to_insert && (estimation_rows_to_insert < 10))
return (original_size);
If first insert/partition and monotonic partition function,
allow using buffer size originally set.
if (!m_bulk_inserted_rows &&
m_part_func_monotonicity_info != NON_MONOTONIC &&
m_tot_parts > 1)
return original_size;
Allow total buffer used in all partition to go up to 10*read_buffer_size.
11*read_buffer_size in case of monotonic partition function.
if (m_tot_parts < 10)
return original_size;
return (original_size * 10 / m_tot_parts);
Try to predict the number of inserts into this partition.
......@@ -367,7 +367,8 @@ public:
virtual int end_bulk_insert();
ha_rows guess_bulk_insert_rows();
void start_part_bulk_insert(uint part_id);
void start_part_bulk_insert(THD *thd, uint part_id);
long estimate_read_buffer_size(long original_size);
virtual bool is_fatal_error(int error, uint flags)
......@@ -7897,8 +7897,14 @@ bool mysql_checksum_table(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables,
for (uint i= 0; i < t->s->fields; i++ )
Field *f= t->field[i];
if ((f->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB) ||
(f->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR))
enum_field_types field_type= f->type();
BLOB and VARCHAR have pointers in their field, we must convert
to string; GEOMETRY is implemented on top of BLOB.
if ((field_type == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB) ||
(field_type == MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR) ||
(field_type == MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY))
String tmp;
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