1. 29 Nov, 2006 4 commits
  2. 09 Nov, 2006 1 commit
    • msvensson@neptunus.(none)'s avatar
      Bug#19371 VARBINARY() have trailing zeros after upgrade from 4.1 · 4c26bf9c
      msvensson@neptunus.(none) authored
       - Detect if a table has field of type MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING while running
         "CHECK TABLE t FOR UPGRADE" and indicate it need to be fixed
         with "REPAIR TABLE t".
       - When running a "REPAIR TABLE t" or "ALTER TABLE t FORCE" on the above
         table, install a special copy function to trim off the trailing spaces
         which we safely can say that the pre 5.0 mysqld didn't put there. 
  3. 18 Oct, 2006 24 commits
  4. 17 Oct, 2006 11 commits