Commit 758727a4 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

golang_str: Switch bstr/ustr to cdef classes

For gpython to switch builtin str/unicode to bstr/ustr we will need
bstr/ustr to have exactly the same C layout as builtin string types.
This is possible to achieve only via `cdef class`. It is also good to
switch to `cdef class` for RAM savings - from :

    # what Cython does at runtime for `class MyBytes(bytes)`
    In [3]: MyBytes = type('MyBytes', (bytes,), {'__slots__': ()})

    In [4]: MyBytes
    Out[4]: __main__.MyBytes

    In [5]: a = bytes(b'123')

    In [6]: b = MyBytes(b'123')

    In [7]: a
    Out[7]: b'123'

    In [8]: b
    Out[8]: b'123'

    In [9]: a == b
    Out[9]: True

    In [10]: import sys

    In [11]: sys.getsizeof(a)
    Out[11]: 36

    In [12]: sys.getsizeof(b)
    Out[12]: 52

So with `cdef class` we gain more control and optimize memory usage.

This was not done before because cython forbids to `cdef class X(bytes)` due to We work it around in with
draft for proper patch pre-posted to upstream in .
parent 9a075b17
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import sys
import six
from six import text_type as unicode, unichr
from six.moves import range as xrange
import re, pickle, copy, types
import gc, re, pickle, copy, types
import array, collections
......@@ -284,6 +284,25 @@ def test_strings_basic():
bs.hello = 1
# verify that bstr/ustr are created with correct refcount.
def test_strings_refcount():
# first verify our logic on std type
obj = xbytes(u'abc'); assert type(obj) is bytes
gc.collect(); assert sys.getrefcount(obj) == 1+1 # +1 due to obj passed to getrefcount call
# bstr
obj = b('abc'); assert type(obj) is bstr
gc.collect(); assert sys.getrefcount(obj) == 1+1
obj = bstr('abc'); assert type(obj) is bstr
gc.collect(); assert sys.getrefcount(obj) == 1+1
# ustr
obj = u('abc'); assert type(obj) is ustr
gc.collect(); assert sys.getrefcount(obj) == 1+1
obj = ustr('abc'); assert type(obj) is ustr
gc.collect(); assert sys.getrefcount(obj) == 1+1
# verify memoryview(bstr|ustr).
def test_strings_memoryview():
bs = b('мир')
......@@ -19,6 +19,25 @@
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
# patch cython to allow `cdef class X(bytes)` while building pygolang to
# workaround
# see `cdef class pybstr` in golang/_golang_str.pyx for details.
# (should become unneeded with cython 3 once is finished)
import inspect
from Cython.Compiler.PyrexTypes import BuiltinObjectType
def pygo_cy_builtin_type_name_set(self, v):
self._pygo_name = v
def pygo_cy_builtin_type_name_get(self):
name = self._pygo_name
if name == 'bytes':
caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name
if caller == 'analyse_declarations':
# need anything different from 'bytes' to deactivate check in
name = 'xxx'
return name = property(pygo_cy_builtin_type_name_get, pygo_cy_builtin_type_name_set)
from setuptools import find_packages
from setuptools.command.install_scripts import install_scripts as _install_scripts
from setuptools.command.develop import develop as _develop
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