Commit 62fb0e85 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent ac999990
......@@ -842,6 +842,8 @@ func (δBtail *ΔBtail) GetAt(root zodb.Oid, key Key, at zodb.Tid) (value Value,
// the caller must not modify returned slice.
// Only tracked keys are guaranteed to be present.
// Note: contrary to regular go slicing, low is exclusive while high is inclusive.
// XXX root -> *Tree ?
......@@ -502,7 +502,8 @@ func (δFtail *ΔFtail) ForgetPast(revCut zodb.Tid) {
// XXX locking
// XXX keep index which file changed epoch where (similarly to ΔBtail),
// TODO keep index which file changed epoch where (similarly to ΔBtail),
// and, instead of scanning all files, trim vδE only on files that is really necessary.
for _, δftail := range δFtail.byFile {
......@@ -538,7 +539,7 @@ func (δftail *_ΔFileTail) forgetPast(revCut zodb.Tid) {
// the caller must not modify returned slice.
// XXX only tracked blocks are guaranteed to be present.
// Only tracked blocks are guaranteed to be present.
// Note: contrary to regular go slicing, low is exclusive while high is inclusive.
func (δFtail *ΔFtail) SliceByFileRev(zfile *ZBigFile, lo, hi zodb.Tid) /*readonly*/[]*ΔFile {
......@@ -546,7 +547,6 @@ func (δFtail *ΔFtail) SliceByFileRev(zfile *ZBigFile, lo, hi zodb.Tid) /*reado
xtail.AssertSlice(δFtail, lo, hi)
// XXX locking
// XXX rebuild
// query .δBtail.SliceByRootRev(file.blktab, lo, hi) +
// merge δZBlk history with that.
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