Commit 69719bdf authored by Léo-Paul Géneau's avatar Léo-Paul Géneau 👾

Fix rotation

parent adcb2289
......@@ -103,18 +103,29 @@ def add_polygone(root, coordinate_tuple_list, style_map_id):
coordinates.text = ' '.join(
(','.join(str(x) for x in coor_tuple) for coor_tuple in coordinate_tuple_list))
def build_rectangle(root, lat, lon, length, width, height, style_map_id, map_info, map_size):
def rotate(x, y, x_o, y_o, rotation):
"""Apply rotation to coordinates."""
return (
x_o + math.cos(rotation) * (x - x_o) - math.sin(rotation) * (y - y_o),
y_o + math.sin(rotation) * (x - x_o) + math.cos(rotation) * (y - y_o),
def build_rectangle(root, lat, lon, length, width, height, rotation,
style_map_id, map_info, map_size):
"""Build a rectangle."""
local_x, local_y = convert_to_local_coordinates(lat, lon, map_info, map_size)
max_lon, _ = convert_to_geo_coordinates(local_x + length, local_y, map_info, map_size)
_, max_lat = convert_to_geo_coordinates(local_x, local_y + width, map_info, map_size)
add_polygone(root, (
(lat, lon, height),
(lat, max_lon, height),
(max_lat, max_lon, height),
(max_lat, lon, height),
(lat, lon, height),
), style_map_id)
min_x = local_x - length / 2
max_x = local_x + length / 2
min_y = local_y - width / 2
max_y = local_y + width / 2
polygone_coordinates = []
for x, y in ((min_x, min_y), (max_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y), (min_x, max_y), (min_x, min_y)):
rotated_x, rotated_y = rotate(x, y, local_x, local_y, rotation)
corner_lon, corner_lat = convert_to_geo_coordinates(rotated_x, rotated_y, map_info, map_size)
polygone_coordinates.append((corner_lat, corner_lon, height))
add_polygone(root, polygone_coordinates, style_map_id)
def write_kml(filename, map_dict):
......@@ -151,14 +162,14 @@ def write_kml(filename, map_dict):
for obstacle in map_dict['obstacle_list']:
position = obstacle['position']
scale = obstacle['scale']
rotation = obstacle['rotation']['z'] * math.pi / 180
scale['x'] * math.cos(rotation) + scale['y'] * math.sin(rotation),
- scale['x'] * math.sin(rotation) + scale['y'] * math.cos(rotation),
position['altitude'] + scale['z'],
- obstacle['rotation']['z'] * math.pi / 180,
......@@ -167,7 +178,7 @@ def write_kml(filename, map_dict):
for flag in map_dict['flag_list']:
position = flag['position']
build_rectangle(document, position['latitude'], position['longitude'],
1, 1, position['altitude'], 'flag', map_info, map_size)
1, 1, position['altitude'], 0, 'flag', map_info, map_size)
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
ET.indent(tree, ' ')
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