Commit f1e31c66 authored by David Gibson's avatar David Gibson

bytestring: Implement bytestring_bytestring()

Add a bytestring_bytestring() function which, in analogy with strstr() and
memmem() finds one bytestring within another.
Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Gibson <>
parent d5849287
......@@ -181,4 +181,23 @@ static inline const char *bytestring_rindex(struct bytestring haystack,
return memrchr(haystack.ptr, needle, haystack.len);
* bytestring_bytestring - search for a bytestring in another bytestring
* @haystack, @needle: bytestrings
* Returns a bytestring corresponding to the first occurrence of
* @needle in @haystack, or bytestring_NULL if @needle is not found
* within @haystack.
static inline struct bytestring bytestring_bytestring(struct bytestring haystack,
struct bytestring needle)
const char *p = memmem(haystack.ptr, haystack.len,
needle.ptr, needle.len);
if (p)
return bytestring(p, needle.len);
return bytestring_NULL;
#endif /* CCAN_BYTESTRING_H_ */
......@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ const char *str2 = TEST_STRING;
int main(void)
struct bytestring bs, bs1, bs2, bs3, bs4, bs5;
struct bytestring bs, bs1, bs2, bs3, bs4, bs5, bs6;
/* This is how many tests you plan to run */
bs = bytestring(str1, sizeof(str1) - 1);
ok1(bs.ptr == str1);
......@@ -75,6 +75,19 @@ int main(void)
ok1(bytestring_rindex(bs2, 'f') == (bs2.ptr + 6));
ok1(bytestring_rindex(bs2, 'q') == NULL);
bs6 = BYTESTRING("string");
ok1(bytestring_eq(bytestring_bytestring(bs1, bs6),
bytestring(bs1.ptr + 5, 6)));
bs6 = BYTESTRING("c\0d");
ok1(bytestring_eq(bytestring_bytestring(bs2, bs6),
bytestring(bs2.ptr + 2, 3)));
bs6 = BYTESTRING("c\0e");
ok1(bytestring_bytestring(bs2, bs6).ptr == NULL);
ok1(bytestring_eq(bytestring_bytestring(bs1, bytestring_NULL),
bytestring(bs1.ptr, 0)));
ok1(bytestring_eq(bytestring_bytestring(bs2, bytestring_NULL),
bytestring(bs2.ptr, 0)));
/* This exits depending on whether all tests passed */
return exit_status();
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