Commit fad91b56 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

Improve the code readability. This also makes easy to test some methods.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent c875a25c
......@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ class BasicStructure:
# only the area that need to be rendered. This prevents from useless
# processing
# calculating main axis bounds
self.getMainAxisInfo(self.main_axis_info, report_tree_list)
self.main_axis_info = self.getMainAxisInfo(report_tree_list)
# applying main axis selection
if report_tree_list != []:
......@@ -1435,14 +1435,14 @@ class BasicStructure:
# axis bounds to add only the blocs needed afterwards
# getting secondary_axis_occurence to define begin and end secondary_axis
# bounds (getting absolute size)
self.secondary_axis_occurence = self.getSecondaryAxisOccurence()
# XXX changing point of view to handle axis occurences : their are now
# handled by group, so that it is easy to recover group bounds in case the
# current rendering is calendar mode.
# now getting start & stop bounds (getting relative size to the current
# rendering)
self.secondary_axis_info = self.getSecondaryAxisInfo()
if self.list_method is not None and self.render_format != 'list':
......@@ -1548,16 +1548,17 @@ class BasicStructure:
# saving resulting values.
self.calendar_mode = calendar_mode
self.calendar_range = calendar_range
self.secondary_axis_occurence = secondary_axis_occurence
return secondary_axis_occurence
def getSecondaryAxisInfo(self, axis_dict):
def getSecondaryAxisInfo(self):
secondary_axis_ocurence holds couples of data (begin,end) related to
basicActivity blocks, and axis if the instance representing the sec axis.
it is now possible to recover begin and end value of the planning and then
apply selection informations to get start and stop.
axis_dict = {}
use_dz = self.field.get_value('use_date_zoom')
# recovering zoom properties
axis_dict['zoom_start'] = int(self.params.get('zoom_start',0))
......@@ -1648,10 +1649,10 @@ class BasicStructure:
self.params['zoom_level'] = axis_dict['zoom_level']
# everything is OK, returning 'true' flag
return 1
return axis_dict
def getMainAxisInfo(self, axis_dict, report_tree_list):
def getMainAxisInfo(self, report_tree_list):
Getting main axis properties (total pages, current page, groups per page)
and setting selection bounds (start & stop).
......@@ -1660,55 +1661,60 @@ class BasicStructure:
case of report tree (if the first element is a sub group of a report for
axis_dict['bound_axis_groups'] = self.field.get_value('main_axis_groups')
main_axis_dict = {}
main_axis_dict['bound_axis_groups'] = self.field.get_value('main_axis_groups')
# setting begin & end bounds
axis_dict['bound_begin'] = 0
axis_dict['bound_end'] = len(report_tree_list)
main_axis_dict['bound_begin'] = 0
# XXX rafael: this report_tree_list should be removed from here
main_axis_dict['bound_end'] = len(report_tree_list)
if self.render_format == 'list':
axis_dict['bound_start'] = 0
axis_dict['bound_stop'] = axis_dict['bound_end']
axis_dict['bound_page_total'] = 1
axis_dict['bound_page_current'] = 1
axis_dict['bound_page_groups'] = 1
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] = 0
main_axis_dict['bound_stop'] = axis_dict['bound_end']
main_axis_dict['bound_page_total'] = 1
main_axis_dict['bound_page_current'] = 1
main_axis_dict['bound_page_groups'] = 1
# recovering first group displayed on actual page
# trying to recover from REQUEST
axis_dict['bound_start'] = self.REQUEST.get('list_start')
axis_dict['bound_start'] = int(axis_dict['bound_start'])
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] = self.REQUEST.get('list_start')
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] = int(main_axis_dict['bound_start'])
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
# recovering from params is case failed with REQUEST
axis_dict['bound_start'] = self.params.get('list_start',0)
if type(axis_dict['bound_start']) is type([]):
axis_dict['bound_start'] = axis_dict['bound_start'][0]
if axis_dict['bound_start'] is not None:
axis_dict['bound_start'] = int(axis_dict['bound_start'])
axis_dict['bound_start'] = max(axis_dict['bound_start'],0)
if axis_dict['bound_start'] > axis_dict['bound_end']:
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] = self.params.get('list_start',0)
if type(main_axis_dict['bound_start']) is type([]):
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] = main_axis_dict['bound_start'][0]
if main_axis_dict['bound_start'] is not None:
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] = int(main_axis_dict['bound_start'])
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] = max(main_axis_dict['bound_start'],0)
if main_axis_dict['bound_start'] > main_axis_dict['bound_end']:
# new report_group is so small that previous if after the last element
axis_dict['bound_start'] = axis_dict['bound_end']
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] = main_axis_dict['bound_end']
# updating start position to fit page size.
axis_dict['bound_start'] -= \
(axis_dict['bound_start'] % axis_dict['bound_axis_groups'])
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] -= \
(main_axis_dict['bound_start'] % main_axis_dict['bound_axis_groups'])
# setting last group displayed on page
axis_dict['bound_stop'] = min (axis_dict['bound_end'],
axis_dict['bound_start'] + axis_dict['bound_axis_groups'])
main_axis_dict['bound_stop'] = min (main_axis_dict['bound_end'],
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] + main_axis_dict['bound_axis_groups'])
# calculating total number of pages
axis_dict['bound_page_total'] = int(max(axis_dict['bound_end'] - 1,0) / \
axis_dict['bound_axis_groups']) + 1
main_axis_dict['bound_page_total'] = int(max(main_axis_dict['bound_end'] - 1,0) / \
main_axis_dict['bound_axis_groups']) + 1
# calculating current page number
axis_dict['bound_page_current'] = int(axis_dict['bound_start'] / \
axis_dict['bound_axis_groups']) + 1
main_axis_dict['bound_page_current'] = int(main_axis_dict['bound_start'] / \
main_axis_dict['bound_axis_groups']) + 1
# adjusting first group displayed on current page
axis_dict['bound_start'] = min(axis_dict['bound_start'], max(0,
(axis_dict['bound_page_total']-1) * axis_dict['bound_axis_groups']))
main_axis_dict['bound_start'] = min(main_axis_dict['bound_start'], max(0,
(main_axis_dict['bound_page_total']-1) * main_axis_dict['bound_axis_groups']))
self.params['list_lines'] = main_axis_dict['bound_axis_groups']
self.params['list_start'] = main_axis_dict['bound_start']
return main_axis_dict
self.params['list_lines'] = axis_dict['bound_axis_groups']
self.params['list_start'] = axis_dict['bound_start']
def buildGroupStructure(self):
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.tests.utils import createZODBPythonScript
from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import FileUpload
from StringIO import StringIO
from Products.ERP5Form.Selection import Selection
from DateTime import DateTime
class DummyFieldStorage:
"""A dummy FieldStorage to be wrapped in a FileUpload object.
......@@ -116,13 +116,28 @@ class TestPlanningBox(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEquals(,'Title 0')
self.assertEquals( , '/%s/foo_module/0/0' % self.getPortal().getId())
def stepCheckBasic(self, sequence = None, sequence_list = None, **kw):
basic = sequence.get('basic')
self.assertEquals(len(basic.report_groups), 1)
# Note that this test use the use_date_zoom enabled
sec_axis_info = basic.getSecondaryAxisInfo()
date = DateTime()
today = DateTime('%s/%s/%s' % (date.year(),date.month(),
self.assertEquals(sec_axis_info['zoom_begin'], today)
self.assertEquals(sec_axis_info['zoom_end'], today+1)
self.assertEquals(sec_axis_info['bound_begin'], today)
self.assertEquals(sec_axis_info['bound_start'], today)
self.assertEquals(sec_axis_info['bound_end'], today+1)
self.assertEquals(sec_axis_info['bound_stop'], today+1)
self.assertEquals(sec_axis_info['zoom_start'], 0)
self.assertEquals(sec_axis_info['zoom_level'], 1.0)
self.assertEquals(sec_axis_info['bound_range'], 1.0)
for tree_list, activity_list,stat in basic.report_groups:
self.assertEquals(len(activity_list), 1)
def test_01(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
if not run: return
sequence_list = SequenceList()
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