<li><a><label><inputtype="checkbox"id="toggle-untranslated"> {% trans "Untranslated" context "Number of untranslated strings" %}</label></a></li>
<li><a><label><inputtype="checkbox"id="toggle-words"checked="true"> {% trans "Words" context "Number of translated words" %}</label></a></li>
<li><a><label><inputtype="checkbox"id="toggle-fuzzy"checked="true"> {% trans "Fuzzy" context "Number of fuzzy strings" %}</label></a></li>
<li><a><label><inputtype="checkbox"id="toggle-fuzzy"checked="true"> {% trans "Review" context "Number of strings needing review" %}</label></a></li>
<li><a><label><inputtype="checkbox"id="toggle-checks"checked="true"> {% trans "Checks" context "Number of failing checks" %}</label></a></li>
<li><a><label><inputtype="checkbox"id="toggle-suggestions"checked="true"> {% trans "Suggestions" context "Number of suggestions" %}</label></a></li>
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<tdclass="percent col-words"title="{% blocktrans count words=trans.untranslated_words %}{{ words }} word to translate!{% plural %}{{ words }} words to translate!{% endblocktrans %}">{{ trans.get_words_percent }}%</td>
<tdclass="percent col-fuzzy">
{% if fuzzy > 0 %}
<ahref="{{ trans.get_translate_url }}?type=fuzzy"title="{% blocktrans count trans.fuzzy as count %}There is {{ count }} fuzzy string.{% plural %}There are {{ count }} fuzzy strings.{% endblocktrans %}">
<ahref="{{ trans.get_translate_url }}?type=fuzzy"title="{% blocktrans count trans.fuzzy as count %}There is {{ count }} string needing review.{% plural %}There are {{ count }} strings needing review.{% endblocktrans %}">