Commit 102a87d0 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

abstract enumeration class added

parent 6f1947bc
from dream.plugins import plugin
from pprint import pformat
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import json
import time
import random
import operator
import xmlrpclib
import signal
from multiprocessing import Pool
# # run an ant in a subrocess. Can be parrallelized.
# def runAntInSubProcess(ant):
# ant['result'] = plugin.ExecutionPlugin.runOneScenario(ant['input'])['result']
# return ant
# Execution plugin that implements enumeration of different solutions
# this is an abstract class only its run() is to be used. Sub-classes should implement other methods
# depending on the problem
class Enumeration(plugin.ExecutionPlugin):
def calculateScenarioScore(self, scenario):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must define 'calculateScenarioScore' method")
# creates the collated scenarios, i.e. the list
# of options collated into a dictionary for ease of referencing in ManPy
def createScenarioList(self,data):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must define 'createScenarioList' method")
# creates the ant scenario based on what ACO randomly selected
def createScenarioData(self,data,scenario):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must define 'createScenarioData' method")
# checks if the algorithm should terminate. Default is set to False so that the algorithm
# terminates only when all scenarios are considered
def checkIfShouldTerminate(self,data,scenarioList):
return False
def run(self, data):
# distributor_url = data['general'].get('distributorURL',None)
# distributor = None
# if distributor_url:
# distributor = xmlrpclib.Server(distributor_url)
# multiprocessorCount = data['general'].get('multiprocessorCount',None)
start = time.time() # start counting execution time
numberOfSolutions = int(data['general'].get('numberOfSolutions',0))
assert numberOfSolutions >= 1
for scenario in scenarioList:
scenario['input']=self.createScenarioData(data, scenario)
scenario['result'] = self.runOneScenario(scenario['input'])['result']
if self.checkIfShouldTerminate(data, scenarioList):
# rand the scenarios based on their score and take only the numberOfSolutions best
scenariosToReturn = sorted(scenarioList.values(),key=operator.itemgetter('score'))[:numberOfSolutions]
# return the number of scenarios that need to be returned
data['result']['result_list'] = result_list = []
for scenario in scenariosToReturn:
result, = scenario['result']['result_list']
result['score'] = scenario['score']
result['key'] = scenario['key']
result_list.append(result)"Enumeration finished, execution time %0.2fs" % (time.time() - start))
return data
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