Commit 16e32491 authored by panos's avatar panos

The plugin scipt is added

parent c43685bd
from copy import deepcopy
import json
import numpy
from zope.dottedname.resolve import resolve
from dream.simulation.LineGenerationJSON import main as simulate_line_json
class Plugin(object):
"""Base class for pre-post processing Plugin.
def __init__(self, logger, configuration_dict):
self.logger = logger
self.configuration_dict = configuration_dict
# returns the predecessors of a node
def getPredecessors(self, data, node_id):
from copy import copy
for edge_id,edge in edges.iteritems():
if edge['destination']==node_id:
return predecessors
# returns the successors of a node
def getSuccessors(self, data, node_id):
from copy import copy
for edge_id,edge in edges.iteritems():
if edge['source']==node_id:
return successors
# returns the parallel stations for a station if any
def getParallelStations(self, data, node_id):
predecessors=self.getPredecessors(data, node_id)
if not predecessors:
return []
parallelStations=self.getSuccessors(data, previous)
return parallelStations
# calculate the confidence interval for a list and a confidence level
def getConfidenceInterval(self, value_list, confidenceLevel):
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.ConfidenceIntervals import ConfidenceIntervals
from dream.KnowledgeExtraction.StatisticalMeasures import StatisticalMeasures
lb, ub = ConfidenceIntervals().ConfidIntervals(value_list, confidenceLevel)
return {'lb': lb,
'ub': ub,
'avg': BSM.mean(value_list)
# return the average of a list
def getAverage(self, value_list):
return sum(value_list) / float(len(value_list))
# takes a list of strings and removes spaces in the beginning or end
def stripStringsOfList(self, inputList):
for element in inputList:
return inputList
# return the standard deviation of a list
def getStDev(self, value_list):
return numpy.std(value_list)
# returns name of a node given its id
def getNameFromId(self, data, node_id):
return data['graph']['node'][node_id]['name']
class ExecutionPlugin(Plugin):
"""Plugin to handle the execution of multiple simulation runs.
def runOneScenario(data):
"""default method for running one scenario
return json.loads(simulate_line_json(input_data=json.dumps(data)))
def run(self, data):
"""General execution plugin.
raise NotImplementedError
class InputPreparationPlugin(Plugin):
def preprocess(self, data):
"""Preprocess the data before simulation run.
return data
# adds an edge with the given source and destination
def addEdge(self, data, source, destination, nodeData={}):
"source": source,
"destination": destination,
"data": {},
"_class": "Dream.Edge"
return data
class OutputPreparationPlugin(Plugin):
def postprocess(self, data):
"""Postprocess the data after simulation run.
return data
class DefaultExecutionPlugin(ExecutionPlugin):
"""Default Execution Plugin just executes one scenario.
def run(self, data):
"""Run simulation and return result to the GUI.
data["result"]["result_list"] = self.runOneScenario(data)['result']['result_list']
data["result"]["result_list"][-1]["score"] = 0
data["result"]["result_list"][-1]["key"] = "default"
return data
class NewOrderExecutionPlugin(ExecutionPlugin):
""" Execution plugin that compares the result with or with the new order.
The new order is identified must have "new" in its id.
def removeNewOrder(self, data):
data = deepcopy(data)
data['input']['BOM']['productionOrders'] = [order for order in
data['input']['BOM']['productionOrders'] if not "new" in order['id'].lower()]
for node in data['graph']['node'].values():
if node.get('wip'):
node['wip'] = [part for part in node['wip'] if not "new" in part['capacityProjectId'].lower()]
return data
def run(self, data):
"""Run simulation and return result to the GUI.
# before new order
data["result"]["result_list"][-1]["score"] = 0
data["result"]["result_list"][-1]["key"] = "before_new_order"
data["result"]["result_list"][-1]["name"] = "Before New Order"
if [order for order in data['input']['BOM']['productionOrders'] if "new" in order['id'].lower()]:
# with the new order
data["result"]["result_list"][-1]["score"] = 0
data["result"]["result_list"][-1]["key"] = "with_new_order"
data["result"]["result_list"][-1]["name"] = "With New Order"
return data
class PluginRegistry(object):
"""Registry of plugins.
def __init__(self, logger, data):
self.input_preparation_list = []
for plugin_data in data['application_configuration']['pre_processing']['plugin_list']:
self.input_preparation_list.append(resolve(plugin_data['_class'])(logger, plugin_data))
self.output_preparation_list = []
for plugin_data in data['application_configuration']['post_processing']['plugin_list']:
self.output_preparation_list.append(resolve(plugin_data['_class'])(logger, plugin_data))
plugin_data = data['application_configuration']['processing_plugin']
self.execution_plugin = resolve(plugin_data['_class'])(logger, plugin_data)
def run(self, data):
"""Preprocess, execute & postprocess.
for input_preparation in self.input_preparation_list:
data = input_preparation.preprocess(deepcopy(data))
data =
for output_preparation in self.output_preparation_list:
data = output_preparation.postprocess(deepcopy(data))
return data
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