Commit 218f2fbb authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

ACO was merged in GUI

parent 914907ee
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Created on 22 Nov 2013
@author: Dipo, George
Optimization based on scenario analysis
For now it is only mixing different scheduling rules of the Queues
import random
import json
import LineGenerationJSONACO
import time
from Globals import G
def ranking(candidates,elg): #this function is used for ranking and selection of the best ant
pop = [] #this list is used separately to extract ant scores for ranking them
for ch in candidates: #it loops through the list of ants and append their scores to a list
pop.append(ch['score']) #it append the scores to the list pop
pop.sort() #pop = list(set(pop)) #the scores are sorted in ascending order
del pop[elg:] #from the sorted list, a certain number specified as elg are only retained - others are deleted
fittest = [] #Now, another list is created for the best ranked ants
for chrom in candidates: #the retained scored are matched with Ants
if chrom['score'] in pop:#if an ants score was retained, it becomes retained too
pop.remove(chrom['score'])#as the associated ants are appended the scores are immediately deleted to avoid confusion
return fittest #returns the fittest Ants of the generation
#method that takes an ant and creates a json with the scheduling rules in order to send it to ManPy main script
def createAntJSON(ant):
antJSON["_class"] = "Dream.Simulation"
antJSON["nodes"] = {}
for record in ant:
schedulingRule=ant.get(stationId, "FIFO")
antJSON["nodes"][stationId] = {}
return json.dumps(antJSON, indent=True)
def calculateAntTotalDelay(ant):
totalDelay=0 #set the total delay to 0
jsonData=json.loads(ant['resultJSON']) #read the result as JSON
elementList = jsonData['elementList'] #find the route of JSON
#loop through the elements
for element in elementList:
elementClass=element['_class'] #get the class
#id the class is Job
if elementClass=='Dream.Job':
delay=float(results.get('delay', "0"))
return totalDelay
#creates a light coded form of the ant and tests it
def checkIfAntTested(ant):
#code the ant in a lighter string form
for key in ant:
#if it already exists return true so that it will not be tested
if codedAnt in G.CodedAnstsList:
return True
#else add it to the list and return false
return False
Below are initial lists of scheduling rules to be considered for each of the queues/machine, these could be entered at GUI level
I believe the ability to attribute each of these lists to a queue object is the only requirements at GUI level. Everything henceforth is a ManPy and Optimization business.
M1Options = ['EDD','WINQ','LPT','SPT','ERD','PCO','MS'] #initial list of scheduling rules that are to be randomly used for each of the machines
M2Options = ['EDD','WINQ','LPT','SPT','ERD','PCO','MS']
M3Options = ['EDD','WINQ','LPT','SPT','ERD','PCO','MS']
M4Options = ['EDD','WINQ','LPT','SPT','ERD','PCO','MS']
M5Options = ['EDD','WINQ','LPT','SPT','ERD','PCO','MS']
#Optimization takes over from here and it calls ManPy simulation at intervals using the sim function
def main():
G.CodedAnstsList=[] #a list to keep all the solutions in a coded form
start=time.time() # start counting execution time
modelJSONFile=open("C:\Users\George\dream\dream\simulation\JSONInputs\Topology20.JSON", "r") #the JSON of the model. To be sent from GUI
modelJSON=json.dumps(modelJSON, indent=True)
#collated = {'Q1':M1Options,'Q2':M2Options,'Q3':M3Options,'Q4':M4Options,'Q5':M5Options} #the list of options collated into a dictionary for ease of referencing in ManPy
collated = {'Q1':M1Options,'Q2':M2Options,'Q3':M3Options} #the list of options collated into a dictionary for ease of referencing in ManPy
ants = [] #list of ants for keeping track of their performance
for i in range(10): #Number of times new ants are to be created, i.e. number of generations (a generation can have more than 1 ant)
for j in range(20): #number of ants created per generation
ant = {} #an ant dictionary to contain rule to queue assignment information
for k in collated.keys(): #for each of the machines, rules are randomly picked from the options list
ant[str(k)] = random.choice(collated[str(k)])
#if the ant was not already tested, only then test it
if not checkIfAntTested(ant):
ants.append(ant) #the current ant to be simulated (evaluated) is added to the ants list
ant['resultJSON'] = LineGenerationJSONACO.main(modelJSON,antJSON)
ant['score'] = calculateAntTotalDelay(ant)
ants = ranking(ants,4) #the ants in this generation are ranked based on their scores and the best 4 are selected
for l in ants: #update the options list to ensure that good performing queue-rule combinations have increased representation and good chance of being selected in the next generation
for m in collated.keys():#e.g. if using EDD gave good performance for Queue 1, then another 'EDD' is added to M1Options so there is a higher chance that it is selected by the next ants.
print 'Best results'
print '================='
print ants[0]['score']
print '================='
print ants[1]['score']
print '================='
print ants[2]['score']
print '================='
print ants[3]['score']
print "execution time=", str(time.time()-start)
except IndexError:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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