Commit 5c90fe16 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

working demo showing green boxes when at least 6 avaiable people

parent 9a12864a
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from flask import request
from crossdomain import crossdomain
from util import deunicodeData
app = Flask(__name__)
global model
def welcome():
......@@ -30,12 +31,35 @@ def someTest():
@app.route("/setModel", methods=["POST", "OPTIONS"])
def setModel():
global model
app.logger.debug("request.json: %r" % (request.json,))
#model = deunicodeData(request.json)
model = request.json
app.logger.debug("model: %r" % (model,))
response =request.json
return jsonify(request.json)
return "ok"
@app.route("/setSimulationParameters", methods=["POST", "OPTIONS"])
def setSimulationParameters():
parameter_dict = request.json
app.logger.debug("parameter_dict: %r" % (parameter_dict,))
box_to_enable_list = [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9]
to_enable = len([x for x in parameter_dict if parameter_dict[x]]) >= 6
for box in model["box_list"]:
if int(box["id"][len("window"):]) in box_to_enable_list:
box["enabled"] = to_enable
box["enabled"] = False
return "ok"
@app.route("/getModel", methods=["GET", "OPTIONS"])
def getModel():
global model
return jsonify(model)
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -11,17 +11,13 @@
<div id="main">
<div id="render"></div>
<div id="available">
<div id="not_available">
Not Available
......@@ -72,19 +72,20 @@
// So instead of having html filled with data, we will use
// a structure (like if we got it from json) and we will render it
var graph_data = {}, i, i_length, render_dom, box, j, j_length,
style_string, line;
style_string, line, people_list, setSimulationParameters,
available_people = {};
graph_data.box_list = [
{id: 'window1', title: '1', target_list: ['window2'], coordinate: {top: 5, left: 5}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window2', title: '2', target_list: ['window3'], coordinate: {top: 5, left: 15}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window3', title: '3', target_list: ['window7'], coordinate: {top: 5, left: 25}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window4', title: '4', target_list: ['window5'], coordinate: {top: 20, left: 5}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window5', title: '5', target_list: ['window6'], coordinate: {top: 20, left: 15}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window6', title: '6', target_list: ['window7'], coordinate: {top: 20, left: 25}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window7', title: 'Moulding', target_list: ['window8', 'window10'], coordinate: {top: 12, left: 35}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window8', title: '8', target_list: ['window9'], coordinate: {top: 5, left: 45}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window9', title: '9', coordinate: {top: 5, left: 55}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window10', title: '10', target_list: ['window11'], coordinate: {top: 20, left: 45}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window11', title: '11', coordinate: {top: 20, left: 55}, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}},
{id: 'window1', title: '1', target_list: ['window2'], coordinate: {top: 5, left: 5}},
{id: 'window2', title: '2', target_list: ['window3'], coordinate: {top: 5, left: 15}},
{id: 'window3', title: '3', target_list: ['window7'], coordinate: {top: 5, left: 25}},
{id: 'window4', title: '4', target_list: ['window5'], coordinate: {top: 20, left: 5}},
{id: 'window5', title: '5', target_list: ['window6'], coordinate: {top: 20, left: 15}},
{id: 'window6', title: '6', target_list: ['window7'], coordinate: {top: 20, left: 25}},
{id: 'window7', title: 'Moulding', target_list: ['window8', 'window10'], coordinate: {top: 12, left: 35}},
{id: 'window8', title: '8', target_list: ['window9'], coordinate: {top: 5, left: 45}},
{id: 'window9', title: '9', coordinate: {top: 5, left: 55}},
{id: 'window10', title: '10', target_list: ['window11'], coordinate: {top: 20, left: 45}},
{id: 'window11', title: '11', coordinate: {top: 20, left: 55}},
// Add boxes in the render div
......@@ -124,13 +125,44 @@
// Make list of people draggable
//Fill list of people
people_list = ["Seb", "Jerome", "Jean-Paul", "Anna", "George", "Ivor", "Dipo", "Stephan"];
i_length = people_list.length;
for (i = 0; i < i_length; i++) {
$("#not_available ul").append("<li>" + people_list[i] + "</li>");
// Define ajax call to update list of available people
setSimulationParameters = function(parameters) {
url: "http://localhost:5000/setSimulationParameters",
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(parameters),
contentType: "application/json",
success: function(response) {
console.log("got json response",response);
error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
// Make list of people draggable, update list of people depending
// to make them available or not
$("#available li").draggable({appendTo: "body"});
$("#not_available li").draggable({appendTo: "body"});
drop: function(event, ui) {
console.log($(this), event, ui.draggable.text);
available_people[ui.draggable.text()] = true;
drop: function(event, ui) {
available_people[ui.draggable.text()] = false;
......@@ -150,6 +182,47 @@
// Utility function to update the style of a box
var updateBoxStyle = function (box_id, style) {
var box;
box = $("#" + box_id);
_.each(style, function(value, key, list) {
box.css(key, value);
// Then ask the server from time to time for an update of graph based
// on the result of some simulation
var getModel = function () {
var refreshGraph = function(model) {
var i, i_length, box;
i_length = model.box_list.length;
console.log("model", model);
for (i = 0; i < i_length; i++) {
//, style: {"background-color":"#FF0000"}
box = model.box_list[i];
if (box.enabled) {
updateBoxStyle(, {"background-color": "#5EFB6E"});
} else {
updateBoxStyle(, {"background-color": "#FF0000"});
url: "http://localhost:5000/getModel",
type: 'GET',
success: function(response) {
error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
setTimeout(getModel, 1000);
setTimeout(getModel, 1000);
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("in timeout");
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