Commit 60052111 authored by panos's avatar panos

It is added to insert the WIP to the corresponding station

parent 0c43bdc3
from copy import copy
from dream.plugins import plugin
import datetime
class InsertWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
""" Input preparation
reads the BOM - wip and inserts the work in progress to the corresponding stations
def preprocess(self, data):
""" updates the Work in Process of each station according to the BOM
WIP = data["input"].get("BOM",{}).get("WIP", {})
for partID, work in WIP.iteritems():
stationID = work.get("station", None).replace(' ','').split('-')[0]
if not stationID:
node = data["graph"]["node"].get(stationID, {})
if not node:
wip = node.get("wip", [])
endOfRoute = False # flag to signal that the part should not be injected as WIP
mouldCreated = False # flag to signal that the mould of the same order is created
# if the part lies in an assembly buffer
if data['graph']['node'][stationID]['_class'] == 'Dream.MouldAssemblyBuffer':
# find the order it belongs to
for order in data['input']['BOM']['productionOrders']:
for component in order.get('componentsList', []):
if component.get('id',None) == partID:
# if the part is of class OrderComponent (and NOT Mould)
if component.get('_class', None) == 'Dream.OrderComponent':
endOfRoute = True
# find the Mould component of the order and see it is already in the WIP
if component.get('_class', None) == 'Dream.Mould':
if component.get('id', None) in WIP.keys():
mouldCreated = True
# if the part reached the end of its route (an assembly buffer) and the mould is already created
if endOfRoute and mouldCreated:
"id": partID,
"sequence": work.get("sequence", None),
"task_id": work.get("task_id", None)
# operator
operator = work.get("operator", None)
if operator:
# remaining Processing Time
remainingProcessingTime = work.get("remainingProcessingTime", 0)
remainingSetupTime = work.get('remainingSetupTime', 0)
# XXX the time is considered to be provided as a single value
if remainingProcessingTime:
if isinstance(remainingProcessingTime, dict):
wip[-1]["remainingProcessingTime"] = remainingProcessingTime
# XXX hard-coded distribution of type Fixed - reconsider for stochastic analyis
wip[-1]["remainingProcessingTime"] = {"Fixed": {"mean": remainingProcessingTime}}
# XXX the time is considered to be provided as a single value
if remainingSetupTime:
if isinstance(remainingSetupTime, dict):
wip[-1]["remainingSetupTime"] = remainingSetupTime
# XXX hard-coded distribution of type Fixed - reconsider for stochastic analyis
wip[-1]["remainingSetupTime"] = {"Fixed": {"mean": remainingSetupTime}}
node["wip"] = wip
return data
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