worksheet_ProcessingTimes=worksheets[0]#Define the worksheet with the Processing times data
worksheet_ProcessingTimes=worksheets[0]#Define the worksheet with the Processing times data
inputData=Import_Excel()#Call the Python object Import_Excel
inputData=ImportExceldata()#Call the Python object Import_Excel
ProcessingTimes=inputData.Input_data(worksheet_ProcessingTimes,workbook)#Create the Processing Times dictionary with key Machines 1,2 and values the processing time data
ProcessingTimes=inputData.Input_data(worksheet_ProcessingTimes,workbook)#Create the Processing Times dictionary with key Machines 1,2 and values the processing time data
##Get from the above dictionaries the M1 key and define the following lists with data
##Get from the above dictionaries the M1 key and define the following lists with data