a component is not injected as wip to an assembly buffer if the mould is already created

parent 63a8aa57
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ class InsertWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
def preprocess(self, data):
""" updates the Work in Process of each station according to the BOM
wip = data["input"]["BOM"].get("WIP", {})
for partID, work in wip.iteritems():
WIP = data["input"]["BOM"].get("WIP", {})
for partID, work in WIP.iteritems():
stationID = work.get("station", None)
if not stationID:
......@@ -20,6 +20,24 @@ class InsertWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
if not node:
wip = node.get("wip", [])
endOfRoute = False # flag to signal that the part should not be injected as WIP
mouldCreated = False # flag to signal that the mould of the same order is created
# if the part lies in an assembly buffer
if data['graph']['node'][stationID]['_class'] == 'Dream.MouldAssemblyBuffer':
# find the order it belongs to
for order in data['input']['BOM']['productionOrders']:
for component in order.get('componentsList', []):
if component.get('id',None) == partID:
# if the part is of class OrderComponent (and NOT Mould)
if component.get('_class', None) == 'Dream.OrderComponent':
endOfRoute = True
# find the Mould component of the order and see it is already in the WIP
if component.get('_class', None) == 'Dream.Mould':
if component.get('id', None) in WIP.keys():
mouldCreated = True
# if the part reached the end of its route (an assembly buffer) and the mould is already created
if endOfRoute and mouldCreated:
"id": partID,
"sequence": work.get("sequence", None),
......@@ -42,4 +60,4 @@ class InsertWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
return data
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