Commit 840d7423 authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Sebastien Robin

BatchReassembly-method canAcceptAndIsRequested updated

parent 9dbd1c2e
......@@ -98,11 +98,7 @@ class BatchReassembly(CoreObject):
def reassemble(self): #, activeEntity=None):
# maybe I can use as argument the activeEntity passing the getEntity as argument to this function in the run function
# for example
# self.decompose(self.getEntity)
def reassemble(self):
activeObject = self.getActiveObject()
activeObjectQueue=activeObject.getActiveObjectQueue() # get the internal queue of the active core object
......@@ -208,5 +204,9 @@ class BatchReassembly(CoreObject):
i+=1 # pick the predecessor waiting the more
return isRequested and len(activeObjectQueue<self.numberOfSubBatches)
return isRequested\
and activeObject.Up\
and len(activeObjectQueue<self.numberOfSubBatches)\
and (len(activeObjectQueue)==0 or activeObjectQueue[0].type!='Batch')\
and activeObject.getGiverObjectQueue()[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
# return true when the Queue is not fully occupied and a predecessor is requesting it
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