Operator sorts also according to preemption needs

parent 847c8a4c
......@@ -132,10 +132,6 @@ class MachineManagedJob(MachineJobShop):
elif giverObject.exitIsAssignedTo()!=activeObject:
return False
# if the activeObject is not in manager's activeCallersList of the entityToGet
if activeObject not in giverObjectQueue[0].manager.activeCallersList:
# append it to the activeCallerList of the manager of the entity to be received
# update entityToGet
#make the operators List so that it holds only the manager of the current order
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class Operator(ObjectResource):
self.Working=[] # holds the percentage of working time
# the following attributes are not used by the Repairman
self.activeCallersList=[] # the list of object that request the operator
# self.activeCallersList=[] # the list of object that request the operator
self.schedulingRule=schedulingRule #the scheduling rule that the Queue follows
self.multipleCriterionList=[] #list with the criteria used to sort the Entities in the Queue
SRlist = [schedulingRule]
......@@ -164,16 +164,28 @@ class Operator(ObjectResource):
# now picks the machine that waits the most
# =======================================================================
def sortCandidateEntities(self):
from Globals import G
# for the candidateMachines
if candidateMachines:
# choose the one that waits the most time and give it the chance to grasp the resource
for machine in candidateMachines:
if machine.broker.waitForOperator:
# find the stations that hold critical entities
if self in router.preemptiveOperators:
for entity in station.getActiveObjectQueue():
if entity.isCritical:
# sort the stations according their timeWaiting
self.candidateStations.sort(key= lambda x: x.timeWaiting, reverse=True)
# sort the stations if they hold critical entities
self.candidateStations.sort(key=lambda x: x.critical, reverse=False)
# # TODO: have to consider what happens in case of a critical order
# #if we have sorting according to multiple criteria we have to call the sorter many times
# if self.schedulingRule=="MC":
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