Commit bc55b3d4 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

generic spreadsheet: remove a log

parent 96fa9b6f
/*global rJS, RSVP, initGadgetMixin, loopEventListener, console */
/*global rJS, RSVP, initGadgetMixin, loopEventListener */
(function(window, rJS, RSVP, initGadgetMixin, loopEventListener) {
"use strict";
function saveSpreadsheet(evt) {
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
var gadget_klass = rJS(window);
gadget_klass.declareAcquiredMethod("aq_getAttachment", "jio_getAttachment").declareAcquiredMethod("aq_putAttachment", "jio_putAttachment").declareMethod("render", function(options) {
console.log("generic spreadsheet RENDER1");
var jio_key =, gadget = this;
gadget.props.jio_key = jio_key;
// view_##### is the formulatino of the names
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