Commit c264f65b authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis Committed by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos

9 topologies update

parent 8610f46f
This diff is collapsed.
"graph": {
"node": {
"M1": {
"name": "Machine1",
"loadTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.0
"processingTime": {
"Fixed": {
"mean": 17.0
"operationType": "MT-Load-Processing",
"E1": {
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Machine"
"_class": "Dream.Exit",
"name": "Exit"
"S1": {
"interruptions": {},
......@@ -28,10 +18,21 @@
"name": "Source",
"entity": "Dream.Part"
"E1": {
"M1": {
"name": "Machine1",
"loadTime": {
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.0
"processingTime": {
"Fixed": {
"mean": 17.0
"operationType": "MT-Load-Processing",
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Exit",
"name": "Exit"
"_class": "Dream.Machine"
"O1": {
"interruptions": {},
......@@ -42,12 +43,14 @@
"M2": {
"name": "Machine2",
"loadTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.0
"setupTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.25
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.25
"processingTime": {
"Fixed": {
......@@ -55,8 +58,8 @@
"operationType": "MT-Load-Setup-Processing",
"interruptions": {},
"failures": {},
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Machine"
......@@ -95,10 +98,10 @@
"_class": "Dream.Simulation",
"general": {
"trace": "No",
"maxSimTime": "155",
"_class": "Dream.Configuration",
"confidenceLevel": "0.95",
"maxSimTime": "155",
"trace": "No",
"numberOfReplications": "1"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 1.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -29,8 +30,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 3.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 3.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -43,8 +45,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 2.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 2.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -156,10 +159,10 @@
"_class": "Dream.Simulation",
"general": {
"trace": "No",
"maxSimTime": "-1",
"_class": "Dream.Configuration",
"confidenceLevel": "0.95",
"maxSimTime": "-1",
"trace": "No",
"numberOfReplications": "1"
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
"route": [
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -19,8 +20,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 1.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -28,8 +30,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -37,8 +40,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 1.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -68,8 +72,9 @@
"route": [
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -77,8 +82,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 1.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -86,8 +92,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -95,8 +102,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 1.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -135,22 +143,23 @@
"_class": "Dream.QueueJobShop",
"id": "Q4"
"O3": {
"E1": {
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Operator",
"capacity": 1,
"name": "Operator3"
"_class": "Dream.ExitJobShop",
"id": "E1",
"name": "Stock"
"M4": {
"name": "Machine4",
"setupTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.0
"processingTime": {},
"operationType": "MT-Setup-Processing",
"interruptions": {},
"failures": {},
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.MachineJobShop",
"id": "M4"
......@@ -158,8 +167,8 @@
"name": "Machine1",
"processingTime": {},
"operationType": "Processing",
"interruptions": {},
"failures": {},
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.MachineJobShop",
"id": "M1"
......@@ -167,29 +176,30 @@
"name": "Machine3",
"processingTime": {},
"operationType": "Processing",
"interruptions": {},
"failures": {},
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.MachineJobShop",
"id": "M3"
"M2": {
"name": "Machine2",
"setupTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.0
"processingTime": {},
"operationType": "MT-Setup-Processing",
"interruptions": {},
"failures": {},
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.MachineJobShop",
"id": "M2"
"E1": {
"O3": {
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.ExitJobShop",
"id": "E1",
"name": "Stock"
"_class": "Dream.Operator",
"capacity": 1,
"name": "Operator3"
"O2": {
"interruptions": {},
......@@ -233,10 +243,10 @@
"_class": "Dream.Simulation",
"general": {
"trace": "No",
"maxSimTime": "-1",
"_class": "Dream.Configuration",
"confidenceLevel": "0.95",
"maxSimTime": "-1",
"trace": "No",
"numberOfReplications": "1"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.25
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.25
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -30,15 +31,17 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 1.0
"stationIdsList": [
"setupTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 2.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 2.0
......@@ -72,15 +75,17 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 1.0
"stationIdsList": [
"setupTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.5
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.5
......@@ -136,10 +141,10 @@
"_class": "Dream.Simulation",
"general": {
"trace": "No",
"maxSimTime": "-1",
"_class": "Dream.Configuration",
"confidenceLevel": "0.95",
"maxSimTime": "-1",
"trace": "No",
"numberOfReplications": "1"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.25
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.25
"stationIdsList": [
"setupTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.5
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.5
......@@ -34,8 +36,9 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 1.0
"stationIdsList": [
......@@ -72,15 +75,17 @@
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"Fixed": {
"mean": 1.0
"stationIdsList": [
"setupTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 0.5
"Fixed": {
"mean": 0.5
......@@ -130,10 +135,10 @@
"_class": "Dream.Simulation",
"general": {
"trace": "No",
"maxSimTime": "-1",
"_class": "Dream.Configuration",
"confidenceLevel": "0.95",
"maxSimTime": "-1",
"trace": "No",
"numberOfReplications": "1"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
"mean": 0.5
"interruptions": {},
"failures": {},
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Machine",
"left": 0.4414893617021277
......@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
"mean": 1.0
"interruptions": {},
"failures": {},
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Machine",
"left": 0.4414893617021277
......@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
"mean": 1.0
"interruptions": {},
"failures": {},
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Machine",
"left": 0.4414893617021277
......@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
"_class": "Dream.Simulation",
"general": {
"trace": "No",
"maxSimTime": "1440",
"_class": "Dream.Configuration",
"confidenceLevel": "0.95",
"maxSimTime": "1440",
"trace": "No",
"numberOfReplications": "1"
\ No newline at end of file
"graph": {
"node": {
"E1": {
"interruptions": {},
"top": 0.10215053763440862,
"_class": "Dream.Exit",
"name": "Stock",
"left": 0.5
"S1": {
"name": "Raw Material",
"top": 0.8978494623655914,
"entity": "Dream.Part",
"interArrivalTime": {
"Fixed": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Source",
"left": 0.5
"M1": {
"name": "Moulding",
"shift": {
......@@ -29,27 +50,6 @@
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Machine",
"left": 0.5
"S1": {
"name": "Raw Material",
"top": 0.8978494623655914,
"entity": "Dream.Part",
"interArrivalTime": {
"Fixed": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": 1.0
"interruptions": {},
"_class": "Dream.Source",
"left": 0.5
"E1": {
"interruptions": {},
"top": 0.10215053763440862,
"_class": "Dream.Exit",
"name": "Stock",
"left": 0.5
"edge": {
......@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@
"_class": "Dream.Simulation",
"general": {
"trace": "No",
"maxSimTime": "20",
"_class": "Dream.Configuration",
"confidenceLevel": "0.95",
"maxSimTime": "20",
"trace": "No",
"numberOfReplications": "1"
\ No newline at end of file
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