Commit c945e6ae authored by panos's avatar panos

A plugin added to convert dates and times to simulation time units

parent 7ab76d15
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import json
import time
import random
import operator
import datetime
from dream.plugins import plugin
from dream.plugins.TimeSupport import TimeSupportMixin
class DateTimeConvert(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
""" Input preparation
def preprocess(self, data):
strptime = datetime.datetime.strptime
# read the current date and define dateFormat from it
now = strptime(data['general']['currentDate'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
data['general']['dateFormat']='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'
except ValueError:
now = strptime(data['general']['currentDate'], '%Y/%m/%d')
BOM = data['input']['BOM']
outputJSONString=json.dumps(BOM, indent=True)
outputJSONFile=open('DateTimeConvert.json', mode='w')
orders = BOM.get('productionOrders', [])
wip = BOM.get('WIP', {})
for ent_key, entity in wip.iteritems():
task_id = entity.get('task_id', None)
proc_time = 0;
timeOut = entity.pop('timeOut', None)
timeIn = entity.pop('timeIn', 'NA')
if timeOut:
entity['remainingProcessingTime'] = 0
#calculate the time difference between the TIMEIN and the moment the user wants to run the simulation (e.g.
timeDelta= now - timeIn
if self.timeUnit == 'second':
timeDiff = timeDelta.total_seconds() #24 * 60 * 60
elif self.timeUnit == 'minute':
timeDiff = timeDelta.total_seconds()/60 #24 * 60
elif self.timeUnit == 'hour':
timeDiff = timeDelta.total_seconds()/(60*60)
elif self.timeUnit == 'day':
timeDiff = timeDelta.total_seconds()/(60*60*24) #1.
elif self.timeUnit == 'week':
timeDiff = timeDelta.total_seconds()/(60*60*24*7) #1 / 7.
elif self.timeUnit == 'month':
timeDiff = timeDelta.total_seconds()/(60*60*24*7*30) #1 / 30.
elif self.timeUnit == 'year':
timeDiff = timeDelta.total_seconds()/(60*60*24*7*30*360) #1 / 360.
raise ValueError("Unsupported time unit %s" % timeUnit)
for order in orders:
comps = order.get('componentsList', [])
for comp in comps:
if comp['id'] == ent_key:
for step in comp.get('route', []):
if step.get('task_id', None) == task_id:
proc_time = step.get('processingTime', None)
if proc_time:
if proc_time:
#calculate the remaining time the part needs to be processed
entity['remainingProcessingTime']= round((proc_time - timeDiff),2)
for order in orders:
orderDate = order.get('orderDate', None)
order['orderDate'] = self.convertToSimulationTime(strptime("%s" % orderDate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
dueDate = order.get('dueDate', None)
order['dueDate'] = self.convertToSimulationTime(strptime("%s" % dueDate, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
return data
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