Commit ceee1158 authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Georgios Dagkakis

cherry-pick from readWIPseperatelly. printRoute methods added to Job and...

cherry-pick from readWIPseperatelly. printRoute methods added to Job and Operator, printRoute static method updated
parent 4947a2ef
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ class Job(Entity): # inherits from the Entity c
self.extraPropertyDict = extraPropertyDict
# variable used to differentiate entities with and entities without routes'Job'
# used by printRoute
# =======================================================================
# outputs results to JSON File
......@@ -149,4 +151,58 @@ class Job(Entity): # inherits from the Entity c
if not self in router.conflictingEntities:
return availableReceiver
# print the route (the different stations the entity moved through)
def printRoute(self):
if self.schedule:
for record in self.schedule:
# find the station of this step
station=record[0] # XXX should also hold a list with all the machines G.MachineList?
# find the column corresponding to the machine
# XXX each machine should have at least 3 columns, 2 for the jobs and one for operators
if station in G.MachineList:
# find the entrance time of this step
entrance_time=record[1] # the time entity entered station
# find the row corresponding to the event and start placing the name of the Job in the cells
# find the exit time of this step
if len(record)==3:
exit_time=record[2] # the time the entity exited the station
# find the row corresponding to the event and place the name of the Job in the cell, this is the last cell of this processing
elif len(record)!=3:
# for the rows with indices entrance_time_index to exit_time_index print the id of the Job in the column of the machine_index
for step in range(entrance_time_index,exit_time_index+1, 1):
col_to_write=station.station_col_inds[0] # XXX
# check if the cell is already written, if yes, then modify it adding the new jobs but not overwrite it
if not G.cells_to_write:
G.routeTraceSheet.write(step+1, col_to_write, self.alias)
for cell in G.cells_to_write:
if cell['row']==step+1 and cell['col']==col_to_write:
next_col=station.station_col_inds[1] # XXX
if not next_col in [x['col'] for x in G.cells_to_write if x['row']==step+1]: # XXX
G.cells_to_write.append({'row':step+1, # XXX
'col':next_col, # XXX
'job':self.alias}) # XXX
G.routeTraceSheet.write(step+1, next_col, self.alias) # XXX
stepDone=True # XXX
break # XXX
G.routeTraceSheet.write(cell['row'], cell['col'], cell['job'])
if not stepDone:
G.routeTraceSheet.write(step+1, col_to_write, self.alias)
......@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ class Operator(ObjectResource):
self.candidateStations=[] # list of candidateStations of the stations (those stations that can receive an entity)
self.schedule=[] # the working schedule of the resource, the objects the resource was occupied by and the corresponding times
# alias used by printRoute
def getSupportedSchedulingRules():
......@@ -350,7 +352,7 @@ class Operator(ObjectResource):
# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================
# outputs results to JSON File
# =======================================================================
def outputResultsJSON(self):
......@@ -367,4 +369,50 @@ class Operator(ObjectResource):
json['results']['working_ratio'] = getConfidenceIntervals(self.Working)
json['results']['waiting_ratio'] = getConfidenceIntervals(self.Waiting)
\ No newline at end of file
# print the route (the different stations the resource was occupied by)
def printRoute(self):
if self.schedule:
for record in self.schedule:
# find the station of this step
station=record[0] # XXX should also hold a list with all the machines G.MachineList?
# find the column corresponding to the machine
from Globals import G
# XXX each machine should have at least 3 columns, 2 for the jobs and one for operators
if station in G.MachineList:
# find the entrance time of this step
entrance_time=record[1] # the time entity entered station
# find the row corresponding to the event and start placing the name of the Job in the G.cells_to_write
# find the exit time of this step
if len(record)==3:
exit_time=record[2] # the time the entity exited the station
# find the row corresponding to the event and place the name of the Job in the cell, this is the last cell of this processing
elif len(record)!=3:
# for the rows with indices entrance_time_index to exit_time_index print the id of the Job in the column of the machine_index
for step in range(entrance_time_index,exit_time_index+1, 1):
# check if the cell is already written, if yes, then modify it adding the new jobs but not overwrite it
if not G.cells_to_write:
G.routeTraceSheet.write(step+1, col_to_write, self.alias)
for cell in G.cells_to_write:
if cell['row']==step+1 and cell['col']==col_to_write:
G.routeTraceSheet.write(cell['row'], cell['col'], cell['worker'])
if not stepDone:
G.routeTraceSheet.write(step+1, col_to_write, self.alias)
\ No newline at end of file
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