Commit e968c6d1 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis Committed by Sebastien Robin

output of trace moved to another script so that it can be called from whichever main script

parent 3efe3602
from Globals import G
import xlwt
import xlrd
def outputTrace(fileNumber=1):'trace'+str(fileNumber)+'.xls')
G.traceIndex=0 #index that shows in what row we are
G.sheetIndex=1 #index that shows in what sheet we are
G.traceFile = xlwt.Workbook() #create excel file
G.traceSheet = G.traceFile.add_sheet('sheet '+str(G.sheetIndex), cell_overwrite_ok=True) #create excel sheet
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ from BatchSource import BatchSource
from BatchDecomposition import BatchDecomposition
from BatchReassembly import BatchReassembly
import xlwt
import xlrd
import ExcelHandler
import time
import json
from random import Random
......@@ -557,11 +556,7 @@ def main(argv=[], input_data=None):
#output trace to excel
G.traceIndex=0 #index that shows in what row we are
G.sheetIndex=1 #index that shows in what sheet we are
G.traceFile = xlwt.Workbook() #create excel file
G.traceSheet = G.traceFile.add_sheet('sheet '+str(G.sheetIndex), cell_overwrite_ok=True) #create excel sheet
G.outputJSONFile=open('outputJSON.json', mode='w')
G.outputJSON['_class'] = 'Dream.Simulation';
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