new plugin to read shifts (JobShop)

parent 375387dc
from copy import copy
import json
import time
import random
import copy
import datetime
from operator import itemgetter
from dream.plugins import plugin
from dream.plugins.TimeSupport import TimeSupportMixin
class ReadJSShifts(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
""" Input preparation
reads the shifts from a spreadsheet
def preprocess(self, data):
""" reads the shifts from a spreadsheet and updates the interruptions of the corresponding node objects
strptime = datetime.datetime.strptime
# read the current date and define dateFormat from it
now = strptime(data['general']['currentDate'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
data['general']['dateFormat']='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'
except ValueError:
now = strptime(data['general']['currentDate'], '%Y/%m/%d')
shiftData = data["input"].get("shift_spreadsheet",[])
nodes = data["graph"]["node"]
shiftPattern = {} #shift pattern dictionary
if shiftData:
#iteration through the raw data to structure it into ManPy config
for line in shiftData:
# if all the records of that line are none then continue
if any(record==None for record in line):
#if no shift start was given, assume standard 8:00
startTime = line[2]
if startTime == '':
startTime = "08:00"
shiftStart = self.convertToSimulationTime(strptime("%s %s" % (line[1], startTime), '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'))
#if no shift end was given, assume standard 18:00
endTime = line[3]
if endTime == '':
endTime = "18:00"
shiftEnd = self.convertToSimulationTime(strptime("%s %s" % (line[1], endTime), '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'))
#if it is the current row is an extended row for the information belonging to a resource, and no resource name is entered
entityID = line[0].split("-")[0]
if str(entityID) == '':
#take it as a continuation for the last entered resource
#if resource name is defined
elif str(entityID) not in shiftPattern:
#take the name of the last entered resource from here
lastrec = str(entityID)
shiftPattern[str(entityID)] = [[shiftStart,shiftEnd]]
#to avoid overwriting existing records, if there is another entry for a resource but does not follow it immediately (e.g. W2-FS)
lastrec = str(entityID)
#extend the previous entry for the resource
#sorts the list in case the records were not entered in correct ascending order
for info in shiftPattern:
for node, node_data in nodes.items():
if node in shiftPattern:
interruptions = node_data.get("interruptions", {})
if not interruptions:
node_data["interruptions"] = {}
node_data["interruptions"]["shift"] = {"shiftPattern": shiftPattern.pop(node),
"endUnfinished": 0}
return data
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