Commit f8806fff authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

LPmethod does not need a main in the ManPy framework

parent af9a1d3d
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Created on 2 Jul 2014
from pulp import *
def opAss_LP(stationList, PBlist, PBskills):
......@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ def opAss_LP(stationList, PBlist, PBskills):
for machine in machines:
prob += lpSum([PB_ass[(oper,machine)] for oper in PBlist]) <= 1
# constraint 2: # machines assigned to an oeprator <= 1
# constraint 2: # machines assigned to an operator <= 1
for operator in PBlist:
prob += lpSum([PB_ass[(operator,machine)] for machine in machines]) <= 1
......@@ -48,46 +47,12 @@ def opAss_LP(stationList, PBlist, PBskills):
for mach in machines:
for oper in PBlist:
for oper in PBlist:
if PB_ass[(oper,mach)].varValue > 0.00001:
# print 'PB', oper, 'assigned to machine', mach
return solution
def main():
# dict with stations to be operated during a shift (only active stations...ID can be the same for 2 machines as it identifies the type of process
# WIP can be derived from the buffer upstream the station...when 2 machines operate at a step the WIP will be divided between the two machines
stations = {}
stations['M1'] = {'stationID':1, 'WIP':1}
stations['M2'] = {'stationID':2, 'WIP':1}
# stations['M3'] = {'stationID':3, 'WIP':1}
# stations['M4'] = {'stationID':4, 'WIP':1}
# stations['M5'] = {'stationID':5, 'WIP':1}
# stations['M6'] = {'stationID':6, 'WIP':1}
# dict with stations' IDs on which an operator can work
PBskills = {}
PBskills['PB1'] = [1, 2]#, 3]
PBskills['PB2'] = [1, 2]#, 3]
# PBskills['PB3'] = [4, 5]
# PBskills['PB4'] = [2, 4]
# PBskills['PB5'] = [1, 2]
# PBskills['PB6'] = [2, 3, 4]
# PBskills['PB7'] = [5, 6]
# PBskills['PB8'] = [5]
# PBskills['PB9'] = [6]
# list of available PB's
# PBlist = ['PB2', 'PB4', 'PB5', 'PB7']
PBlist = ['PB1', 'PB2']
opAss_LP(stations, PBlist, PBskills)
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
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