Commit e50203c7 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

example written in documentation and minor amendmens on code

parent ee20eacb
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......@@ -36,14 +36,12 @@ class InternalProcess(Machine):
# if there is one other machine processing return False
if object.isProcessing:
return False
# # if there is one other machine that got signal to dispose return false
# if object.canDispose.triggered:
# return False
return Machine.haveToDispose(self, callerObject)
# check if all the machines got empty and send signal to QB
def removeEntity(self,entity=None):
activeEntity=Machine.removeEntity(self, entity) # run the default method
# run the default method
activeEntity=Machine.removeEntity(self, entity)
# count the number of parts in the server.
# If it is empty have one internal queue to signal the queue before the compound object
if not self.countInternalParts():
......@@ -54,8 +52,7 @@ class InternalProcess(Machine):
def countInternalParts(self):
for object in G.InternalProcessList+G.InternalQueueList:
if len(object. getActiveObjectQueue()):
return totalParts
QB=Queue('QB','QueueBefore', capacity=float("inf"))
......@@ -96,7 +93,9 @@ def main(test=0):
#output the trace of the simulation
print 1
print G.maxSimTime
if test:
return G.maxSimTime
if __name__ == '__main__':
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