Commit 8e945c95 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat

ERP5Form: Really ignore the form if it is in the ignore list.

parent e6fc1116
...@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ class ERP5Form(Base, ZMIForm, ZopePageTemplate): ...@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ class ERP5Form(Base, ZMIForm, ZopePageTemplate):
is_field_library = self.getId().endswith('FieldLibrary') is_field_library = self.getId().endswith('FieldLibrary')
if == 'form_view' and not is_field_library: if == 'form_view' and not is_field_library:
if self.getId() not in CodingStyle.ignored_skin_id_set:
translated_workflow_state_title_field_re = re.compile('my_translated_.*state_title$') translated_workflow_state_title_field_re = re.compile('my_translated_.*state_title$')
def isTranslatedWorkflowStateTitleField(f): def isTranslatedWorkflowStateTitleField(f):
return translated_workflow_state_title_field_re.match(f.getId()) is not None return translated_workflow_state_title_field_re.match(f.getId()) is not None
  • I think this was intentional to check these even for ignored skins. As we can see in this comment ( )

    # For ignored_skin_id_set, we only ignore naming of the form itself.

    Are there some problems that are impossible to fix ?

  • Yes, in case of Ticket_viewAsHateoas:

    We want the non-translated value (and the translated one too), since this is part of expected API not for displaying to the user.

    [<ObjectMessage object at 0x7fbd870fc5f0
      'object_relative_url': '/portal_skins/slapos_hal_json_style/Ticket_viewAsHateoas'
      'message': 'erp5-Guideline.Use.Correct.Names.For.Simulation.And.Validation.Titles: Workflow state fields should be named my_translated_${state_variable}_title'
      'mapping': {}>] 

    In such case, there is also an hardcoded value for a certain fields:

                  def isNonTranslatedWorkflowStateField(f):
                    return not_translated_workflow_state_field_re.match(f.getId()) and f.getId() not in (
                        # exception for some properties containing "state" in their names

    So why what is on ignore list, can't be ignored after all? I'm not sure if there are other ways to handle it.

  • mentioned in commit 78fc14eb

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  • mentioned in merge request !1479 (merged)

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