erp5_xhtml_style: use short title in breadcrumb by default
What about just using getCompactTranslatedTitle for both modules and non modules instead ?
We are not translating "non module" documents because it was adding all titles to Localizer, but I think since we now have translated accessors it is not longer the case.
I did not know getCompactTranslatedTitle. It looks nice, I'll use it.
However, do you think it's more consistent to have translated breadcrumb in classic erp5 view ? For instance, when you are viewing "agent" category, its short title is defined to "Agent", I think it is more consistent to have the same value in the breadcrumb :
ERP5 / portal_categories / Function / Company / Agent / I'm editing "Agent" ERP5 / portal_categories / Fonction / Entreprise / Employé / Am I editing "Employé" ? looks confusing
getCompactTranslatedTitle is also used in domain trees, so it sounds consistent to me. It's probably better to open a merge request and ask others though.
mentioned in merge request !56 (merged)