Reduce bt content duplication
This is part of my preparatory work on fixing index/delete race-condition. These commits are not expected to introduce any functional change, they only remove some indexable objects which are present multiple Business Templates and those Business Templates get installed during any of the unit tests we have.
This removal covers only a tiny part of what is actually duplicated (enough to get tests to pass if one does not delete all pending activities when their context document gets deleted), of which a part can be listed using:
for duplicate in $( \
find bt5/*/*TemplateItem/*/ -name "*.xml" | cut -f 3- -d/ | sort | uniq -d \
); do \
for duplicate_path in bt5/*/$duplicate; do \
echo "$duplicate_path"; \
done; \
done | sort | less
which emits 1.2k lines on current master.
I believe these cleanups are good, whatever the fix we want to apply for the main issue.
@seb @jm @jerome @romain @aurel : please review, and please involve (@-mention) anyone you know who might be familiar with each BT.
Special note for erp5_banking_core: site and variation Base Category from erp5_pdm do differ slightly in their settings from the ones which I'm deleting here: pdm's variation does not acquire from delivery, pdm's site does not have any acquisition portal type. I believe it should be acceptable, and it does not cause any error in banking tests, and I have no other idea on how we are supposed to override these within the generic repository otherwise: maybe in a project-specific BT, maybe a project-specific fork would customise the categories in erp5_pdm directly...