Commit 0c38239c authored by Rémy Coutable's avatar Rémy Coutable

Merge branch '44799-api-naming-issue-scope-ee' into 'master'

Resolve "API naming for issue scope"

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!5762
parents 7701c4ba 67c1d8d1
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# klass - actual class like Issue or MergeRequest
# current_user - which user use
# params:
# scope: 'created-by-me' or 'assigned-to-me' or 'all'
# scope: 'created_by_me' or 'assigned_to_me' or 'all'
# state: 'opened' or 'closed' or 'all'
# group_id: integer
# project_id: integer
......@@ -282,9 +282,9 @@ class IssuableFinder
return items.none if current_user_related? && !current_user
case params[:scope]
when 'created-by-me', 'authored'
when 'created_by_me', 'authored'
when 'assigned-to-me'
when 'assigned_to_me'
......@@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ class IssuableFinder
def current_user_related?
params[:scope] == 'created-by-me' || params[:scope] == 'authored' || params[:scope] == 'assigned-to-me'
scope = params[:scope]
scope == 'created_by_me' || scope == 'authored' || scope == 'assigned_to_me'
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Arguments:
# current_user - which user use
# params:
# scope: 'created-by-me' or 'assigned-to-me' or 'all'
# scope: 'created_by_me' or 'assigned_to_me' or 'all'
# state: 'open' or 'closed' or 'all'
# group_id: integer
# project_id: integer
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Arguments:
# current_user - which user use
# params:
# scope: 'created-by-me' or 'assigned-to-me' or 'all'
# scope: 'created_by_me' or 'assigned_to_me' or 'all'
# state: 'open', 'closed', 'merged', or 'all'
# group_id: integer
# project_id: integer
title: Rename issue scope created-by-me to created_by_me, and assigned-to-me to assigned_to_me
merge_request: 44799
type: deprecated
......@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ GET /issues?my_reaction_emoji=star
| `state` | string | no | Return all issues or just those that are `opened` or `closed` |
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. `No+Label` lists all issues with no labels |
| `milestone` | string | no | The milestone title |
| `scope` | string | no | Return issues for the given scope: `created-by-me`, `assigned-to-me` or `all`. Defaults to `created-by-me` _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `author_id` | integer | no | Return issues created by the given user `id`. Combine with `scope=all` or `scope=assigned-to-me`. _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `scope` | string | no | Return issues for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`. Defaults to `created_by_me`<br> For versions before 11.0, use the now deprecated `created-by-me` or `assigned-to-me` scopes instead.<br> _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5. [Changed to snake_case][ce-18935] in GitLab 11.0)_ |
| `author_id` | integer | no | Return issues created by the given user `id`. Combine with `scope=all` or `scope=assigned_to_me`. _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `assignee_id` | integer | no | Return issues assigned to the given user `id` _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `my_reaction_emoji` | string | no | Return issues reacted by the authenticated user by the given `emoji` _([Introduced][ce-14016] in GitLab 10.0)_ |
| `iids[]` | Array[integer] | no | Return only the issues having the given `iid` |
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ GET /groups/:id/issues?my_reaction_emoji=star
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. `No+Label` lists all issues with no labels |
| `iids[]` | Array[integer] | no | Return only the issues having the given `iid` |
| `milestone` | string | no | The milestone title |
| `scope` | string | no | Return issues for the given scope: `created-by-me`, `assigned-to-me` or `all` _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `scope` | string | no | Return issues for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`.<br> For versions before 11.0, use the now deprecated `created-by-me` or `assigned-to-me` scopes instead.<br> _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5. [Changed to snake_case][ce-18935] in GitLab 11.0)_ |
| `author_id` | integer | no | Return issues created by the given user `id` _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `assignee_id` | integer | no | Return issues assigned to the given user `id` _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `my_reaction_emoji` | string | no | Return issues reacted by the authenticated user by the given `emoji` _([Introduced][ce-14016] in GitLab 10.0)_ |
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ GET /projects/:id/issues?my_reaction_emoji=star
| `state` | string | no | Return all issues or just those that are `opened` or `closed` |
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. `No+Label` lists all issues with no labels |
| `milestone` | string | no | The milestone title |
| `scope` | string | no | Return issues for the given scope: `created-by-me`, `assigned-to-me` or `all` _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `scope` | string | no | Return issues for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`.<br> For versions before 11.0, use the now deprecated `created-by-me` or `assigned-to-me` scopes instead.<br> _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5. [Changed to snake_case][ce-18935] in GitLab 11.0)_ |
| `author_id` | integer | no | Return issues created by the given user `id` _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `assignee_id` | integer | no | Return issues assigned to the given user `id` _([Introduced][ce-13004] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `my_reaction_emoji` | string | no | Return issues reacted by the authenticated user by the given `emoji` _([Introduced][ce-14016] in GitLab 10.0)_ |
......@@ -1264,3 +1264,4 @@ Example response:
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ GET /merge_requests?milestone=release
GET /merge_requests?labels=bug,reproduced
GET /merge_requests?author_id=5
GET /merge_requests?my_reaction_emoji=star
GET /merge_requests?scope=assigned-to-me
GET /merge_requests?scope=assigned_to_me
......@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ Parameters:
| `created_before` | datetime | no | Return merge requests created on or before the given time |
| `updated_after` | datetime | no | Return merge requests updated on or after the given time |
| `updated_before` | datetime | no | Return merge requests updated on or before the given time |
| `scope` | string | no | Return merge requests for the given scope: `created-by-me`, `assigned-to-me` or `all`. Defaults to `created-by-me` |
| `author_id` | integer | no | Returns merge requests created by the given user `id`. Combine with `scope=all` or `scope=assigned-to-me` |
| `scope` | string | no | Return merge requests for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`. Defaults to `created_by_me`<br> For versions before 11.0, use the now deprecated `created-by-me` or `assigned-to-me` scopes instead. |
| `author_id` | integer | no | Returns merge requests created by the given user `id`. Combine with `scope=all` or `scope=assigned_to_me` |
| `assignee_id` | integer | no | Returns merge requests assigned to the given user `id` |
| `my_reaction_emoji` | string | no | Return merge requests reacted by the authenticated user by the given `emoji` _([Introduced][ce-14016] in GitLab 10.0)_ |
| `source_branch` | string | no | Return merge requests with the given source branch |
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Parameters:
| `created_before` | datetime | no | Return merge requests created on or before the given time |
| `updated_after` | datetime | no | Return merge requests updated on or after the given time |
| `updated_before` | datetime | no | Return merge requests updated on or before the given time |
| `scope` | string | no | Return merge requests for the given scope: `created-by-me`, `assigned-to-me` or `all` _([Introduced][ce-13060] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `scope` | string | no | Return merge requests for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`.<br> For versions before 11.0, use the now deprecated `created-by-me` or `assigned-to-me` scopes instead.<br> _([Introduced][ce-13060] in GitLab 9.5. [Changed to snake_case][ce-18935] in GitLab 11.0)_ |
| `author_id` | integer | no | Returns merge requests created by the given user `id` _([Introduced][ce-13060] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `assignee_id` | integer | no | Returns merge requests assigned to the given user `id` _([Introduced][ce-13060] in GitLab 9.5)_ |
| `my_reaction_emoji` | string | no | Return merge requests reacted by the authenticated user by the given `emoji` _([Introduced][ce-14016] in GitLab 10.0)_ |
......@@ -1488,6 +1488,7 @@ Example response:
## Approvals
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module API
args[:milestone_title] = args.delete(:milestone)
args[:label_name] = args.delete(:labels)
args[:scope] = args[:scope].underscore if args[:scope]
issues =, args).execute
.preload(:assignees, :labels, :notes, :timelogs)
......@@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ module API
optional :updated_before, type: DateTime, desc: 'Return issues updated before the specified time'
optional :author_id, type: Integer, desc: 'Return issues which are authored by the user with the given ID'
optional :assignee_id, type: Integer, desc: 'Return issues which are assigned to the user with the given ID'
optional :scope, type: String, values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me all],
desc: 'Return issues for the given scope: `created-by-me`, `assigned-to-me` or `all`'
optional :scope, type: String, values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me created_by_me assigned_to_me all],
desc: 'Return issues for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`'
optional :my_reaction_emoji, type: String, desc: 'Return issues reacted by the authenticated user by the given emoji'
use :pagination
......@@ -71,8 +72,8 @@ module API
optional :state, type: String, values: %w[opened closed all], default: 'all',
desc: 'Return opened, closed, or all issues'
use :issues_params
optional :scope, type: String, values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me all], default: 'created-by-me',
desc: 'Return issues for the given scope: `created-by-me`, `assigned-to-me` or `all`'
optional :scope, type: String, values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me created_by_me assigned_to_me all], default: 'created_by_me',
desc: 'Return issues for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`'
get do
authenticate! unless params[:scope] == 'all'
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ module API
args[:milestone_title] = args.delete(:milestone)
args[:label_name] = args.delete(:labels)
args[:scope] = args[:scope].underscore if args[:scope]
merge_requests =, args).execute
.reorder(args[:order_by] => args[:sort])
......@@ -81,8 +82,8 @@ module API
optional :view, type: String, values: %w[simple], desc: 'If simple, returns the `iid`, URL, title, description, and basic state of merge request'
optional :author_id, type: Integer, desc: 'Return merge requests which are authored by the user with the given ID'
optional :assignee_id, type: Integer, desc: 'Return merge requests which are assigned to the user with the given ID'
optional :scope, type: String, values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me all],
desc: 'Return merge requests for the given scope: `created-by-me`, `assigned-to-me` or `all`'
optional :scope, type: String, values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me created_by_me assigned_to_me all],
desc: 'Return merge requests for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`'
optional :my_reaction_emoji, type: String, desc: 'Return issues reacted by the authenticated user by the given emoji'
optional :source_branch, type: String, desc: 'Return merge requests with the given source branch'
optional :target_branch, type: String, desc: 'Return merge requests with the given target branch'
......@@ -97,8 +98,8 @@ module API
params do
use :merge_requests_params
optional :scope, type: String, values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me all], default: 'created-by-me',
desc: 'Return merge requests for the given scope: `created-by-me`, `assigned-to-me` or `all`'
optional :scope, type: String, values: %w[created-by-me assigned-to-me created_by_me assigned_to_me all], default: 'created_by_me',
desc: 'Return merge requests for the given scope: `created_by_me`, `assigned_to_me` or `all`'
get do
authenticate! unless params[:scope] == 'all'
......@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ describe IssuesFinder do
context 'personal scope' do
let(:scope) { 'assigned-to-me' }
let(:scope) { 'assigned_to_me' }
it 'returns issue assigned to the user' do
expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1, issue2)
......@@ -130,6 +130,15 @@ describe API::Issues do
it 'returns issues assigned to me' do
issue2 = create(:issue, assignees: [user2], project: project)
get api('/issues', user2), scope: 'assigned_to_me'
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(first_issue['id']).to eq(
it 'returns issues assigned to me (kebab-case)' do
issue2 = create(:issue, assignees: [user2], project: project)
get api('/issues', user2), scope: 'assigned-to-me'
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
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