Commit 1c904be3 authored by Cheryl Li's avatar Cheryl Li Committed by Marcel Amirault

Update docs warning about using % of time FF rollouts

parent 016b001a
......@@ -213,9 +213,6 @@ actors.
Feature.enabled?(:some_feature, group)
**Percentage of time** rollout is not a good idea if what you want is to make sure a feature
is always on or off to the users. In that case, **Percentage of actors** rollout is a better method.
Lastly, to verify that the feature is deemed stable in as many cases as possible,
you should fully roll out the feature by enabling the flag **globally** by running:
......@@ -226,6 +223,15 @@ you should fully roll out the feature by enabling the flag **globally** by runni
This changes the feature flag state to be **enabled** always, which overrides the
existing gates (e.g. `--group=gitlab-org`) in the above processes.
##### Percentage of actors vs percentage of time rollouts
If you want to make sure a feature is always on or off for users, use a **Percentage of actors**
rollout. Avoid using percentage of _time_ rollouts in this case.
A percentage of _time_ rollout can introduce inconsistent behavior when `Feature.enabled?`
is used multiple times in the code because the feature flag value is randomized each time
`Feature.enabled?` is called on your code path.
##### Disabling feature flags
To disable a feature flag that has been globally enabled you can run:
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