If you are an administrator, you can view the status of your subscription:
1. On the top bar, select **Menu > Admin**.
1. On the left sidebar, select **License**.
1. On the left sidebar, select **Subscription**.
The **License** page includes the following details:
The **Subscription** page includes the following details:
- Licensee
- Plan
- When it was uploaded, started, and when it expires
It also displays the following important statistics:
It also displays the following information:
| Field | Description |
| Users in License | The number of users you've paid for in the current license loaded on the system. The number does not change unless you [add seats](#add-seats-to-a-subscription) during your current subscription period. |
| Billable users | The daily count of billable users on your system. The count may change as you block or add users to your instance. |
| Maximum users | The highest number of billable users on your system during the term of the loaded license. |
| Users over license | Calculated as `Maximum users` - `Users in License` for the current license term. This number incurs a retroactive charge that needs to be paid for at renewal. |
| Users over license | Calculated as `Maximum users` - `Users in License` for the current license term. This number incurs a retroactive charge that must be paid before renewal. |
## Export your license usage
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ If you are an administrator, you can export your license usage into a CSV:
1. On the left sidebar, select **Subscription**.
1. In the top right, select **Export license usage file**.
This file contains all the information GitLab needs to manually process quarterly reconciliations or renewals. If your instance is firewalled or air-gapped, you can provide GitLab with this information.
This file contains the information GitLab uses to manually process quarterly reconciliations or renewals. If your instance is firewalled or air-gapped, you must provide GitLab with this information.
The **License Usage** CSV includes the following details: