• Julien Muchembled's avatar
    master: make sure that storage nodes have an up-to-date PT/NM when they're added · 7ffc96fd
    Julien Muchembled authored
    This revert commit bddc1802,
    to fix the following storage crash:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "neo/lib/handler.py", line 72, in dispatch
          method(conn, *args, **kw)
        File "neo/storage/handlers/master.py", line 44, in notifyPartitionChanges
          app.pt.update(ptid, cell_list, app.nm)
        File "neo/lib/pt.py", line 231, in update
          assert node is not None, 'No node found for uuid ' + uuid_str(uuid)
      AssertionError: No node found for uuid S3
    Partitition table updates must also be processed with InitializationHandler
    when nodes remain in PENDING state because they're not added to the cluster.
test.py 86.1 KB