Commit 821efb55 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled


parent f8e306b6
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from msgpack import dumps, loads
from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
import ZODB
from persistent.TimeStamp import TimeStamp
from ZODB._compat import dumps, loads, HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, PersistentUnpickler
from ZODB._compat import PersistentUnpickler
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError, POSKeyError
from ZODB.serialize import referencesf
from ZODB.utils import p64, u64, z64
......@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ def openStorage(uri):
def inc64(tid):
return p64(u64(tid) + 1)
def tidFromTime(t):
return TimeStamp(*gmtime(t)[:5]+(t%60,)).raw()
class InvalidationListener(object):
......@@ -145,12 +148,19 @@ class Changeset(object):
self.bootstrap = bootstrap, 0
self._last_gc = bucket.get('__reflink_last_gc__', z64)
self._last_pack = bucket.get('__reflink_last_pack__', z64)
self._pack = None
self.check_orphan = {}
@partial(property, attrgetter('_last_gc'))
def last_gc(self, value):
self._last_gc = self._get(z64)['__reflink_last_gc__'] = value
def pack(self, tid): # check non-standard API
if self._last_pack < tid:
self._pack = tid
@partial(property, attrgetter('_bootstrap'))
def bootstrap(self, value):
self._bootstrap = value
......@@ -205,6 +215,11 @@ class Changeset(object):
del v[-1]
return True
bootstrap = self._bootstrap
pack = self._pack
if pack and not bootstrap:
self._pack = None
self._last_pack = self._get(z64)['__reflink_last_pack__'] = pack, pack)
for oid, (orig, serial, bucket) in buckets.iteritems():
base_oid = u64(oid) << 8
data = {}
......@@ -453,24 +468,22 @@ def main(args=None):
" argument is not 0, a GC calculates twice the list of OIDs to"
" delete, now and in the past, to exclude those that should be"
" kept." % extra_help)
def tid(**kw):
s.add_argument('tid', metavar="TID", type=eval,
help="TID as Python integer.", **kw)
tid_arg = dict(metavar="TID", type=eval, help="TID as Python integer.")
s = parsers.add_parser('bootstrap',
_ = parsers.add_parser('bootstrap',
help="By default, all transactions since the creation of main DB are"
" scanned. In the case where such history would take too long to"
" process, you can try this command so that the 'run' command"
" starts with 2 extra steps: scan the whole main DB at the given"
" TID and do a full GC. Both DB must provide a non-standard API"
" that only NEO is known to have.",
_('tid', **tid_arg)
s = parsers.add_parser('dump',
_ = parsers.add_parser('dump',
help="Dump the whole reflink DB to stdout.",
_('tid', nargs='?', **tid_arg)
s = parsers.add_parser('gc',
help="Do a GC immediately, ignoring new transactions, and exit.",
......@@ -481,6 +494,7 @@ def main(args=None):
_ = parsers.add_parser('path',
help="Get ancestors of an OID.",
_('--tid', **tid_arg)
_('oid', metavar="OID", type=eval,
help="OID as Python integer.")
_('main', metavar="MAIN_URI", nargs='?',
......@@ -499,6 +513,12 @@ def main(args=None):
_ = s.add_argument
_('-i', '--commit-interval', type=float, metavar="SECONDS", default=10,
help="Commit every SECONDS of work.")
_('--pack-neo', type=float, metavar="EPOCH",
help="Pack time in seconds since the epoch. This argument is ignored"
" during bootstrap and it is only to pack the refs DB when it is"
" run by NEO. Other IStorage implementations don't store pack"
" commands in transactions and pack() can be used as long as it's"
" done without GC.")
" For performance reasons, this revision won't be older than the"
" previous GC commit so GCs may be delayed this number of seconds.")
......@@ -518,7 +538,7 @@ def main(args=None):
if bootstrap:
print("Bootstrap at %s. You can now use the 'run' command."
print("Bootstrap at %s UTC. You can now use the 'run' command."
% TimeStamp(p64(args.tid)))
......@@ -530,16 +550,22 @@ def main(args=None):
return "Main storage shall implement " + iface.__name__
if command == "path":
tid = inc64(tid)
t = args.tid
if t is None:
tid = inc64(tid)
tid = p64(t + 1)
t = p64(t)
def find_global(*args):
for oid in reversed(changeset.path(p64(args.oid))):
x = [hex(u64(oid))]
if args.main:
data = main_storage.loadBefore(oid, tid)[0]
PersistentUnpickler(find_global, None,
with changeset.historical(t):
for oid in reversed(changeset.path(p64(args.oid))):
x = [hex(u64(oid))]
if args.main:
data = main_storage.loadBefore(oid, tid)[0]
PersistentUnpickler(find_global, None,
if command == 'gc':
......@@ -555,6 +581,9 @@ def main(args=None):
parser.error("--commit-interval must be strictly positive.")
exit_before_gc = args.exit_before_gc
exit_after_gc = args.exit_after_gc
t = args.pack_neo
if t:
period = args.period
if period < 0:
parser.error("--period must be positive.")
......@@ -742,11 +771,8 @@ def main(args=None):
gc = changeset.full if full or bootstrap else changeset.orphans
if bootstrap or not period:
gc_tid = tid
t = time() - period
gc_tid = TimeStamp(*gmtime(t)[:5]+(t%60,)).raw()
gc_tid = tid if bootstrap or not period else \
tidFromTime(time() - period)
if gc_tid < tid:
if gc_tid < changeset.last_gc:
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