Commit f72c47b6 authored by Grégory Wisniewski's avatar Grégory Wisniewski

Fix coding style.

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent 58435063
......@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ class MasterPartitionTableTests(NeoTestBase):
# test
node = pt.findLeastUsedNode()
self.assertEqual(node, sn3)
node = pt.findLeastUsedNode((sn3,))
node = pt.findLeastUsedNode((sn3, ))
self.assertEqual(node, sn2)
node = pt.findLeastUsedNode((sn3,sn2))
node = pt.findLeastUsedNode((sn3, sn2))
self.assertEqual(node, sn1)
def test_13_outdate(self):
......@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ class MasterPartitionTableTests(NeoTestBase):
cells_outdated = pt.outdate()
self.assertEqual(len(cells_outdated), 3)
for offset, uuid, state in cells_outdated:
self.assertTrue(offset in (1,2,3))
self.assertTrue(uuid in (uuid2,uuid3,uuid4))
self.assertTrue(offset in (1, 2, 3))
self.assertTrue(uuid in (uuid2, uuid3, uuid4))
self.assertEqual(state, CellStates.OUT_OF_DATE)
# check each cell
# part 1, already outdated
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class MasterPartitionTableTests(NeoTestBase):
# sn1 is removed twice and sn6 is added twice
self.assertEqual(len(cell_list), 4)
for offset, uuid, state in cell_list:
if offset in (0,1):
if offset in (0, 1):
if uuid == uuid1:
self.assertEqual(state, CellStates.DISCARDED)
elif uuid == uuid6:
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class MasterPartitionTableTests(NeoTestBase):
# sn1 is removed twice and sn6 is added twice
self.assertEqual(len(cell_list), 4)
for offset, uuid, state in cell_list:
if offset in (0,1):
if offset in (0, 1):
if uuid == uuid1:
self.assertEqual(state, CellStates.DISCARDED)
elif uuid == uuid6:
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class MasterPartitionTableTests(NeoTestBase):
# sn1 is removed twice and sn6 is added twice
self.assertEqual(len(cell_list), 4)
for offset, uuid, state in cell_list:
if offset in (0,1):
if offset in (0, 1):
if uuid == uuid1:
self.assertEqual(state, CellStates.FEEDING)
elif uuid == uuid6:
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class MasterPartitionTableTests(NeoTestBase):
for offset, uuid, state in cell_list:
self.assertEqual(offset, 0)
self.assertEqual(state, CellStates.DISCARDED)
self.assertEqual(uuid ,uuid2)
self.assertEqual(uuid, uuid2)
for x in xrange(num_replicas):
if x == 0:
self.assertEqual(len(pt.getCellList(x)), 1)
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ class MasterPartitionTableTests(NeoTestBase):
server5 = ("", 1900)
sn5 = StorageNode(Mock(), server5, uuid5, NodeStates.RUNNING)
# make the table
pt.make([sn1, sn2, sn3, sn4, sn5,])
pt.make([sn1, sn2, sn3, sn4, sn5])
# check it's ok, only running nodes and node with uuid
# must be present
for x in xrange(num_partitions):
......@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ class MasterPartitionTableTests(NeoTestBase):
# check it's ok
for x in xrange(num_partitions):
cells = pt.getCellList(x)
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