Commit 49631a9f authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

qa: bug found in assignment of storage node ids, add test

parent aeeaef89
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from import TransactionManager, ConflictError
from neo.lib.connection import ConnectionClosed, \
ServerConnection, MTClientConnection
from neo.lib.exception import DatabaseFailure, StoppedOperation
from neo.lib.handler import DelayEvent
from neo.lib.handler import DelayEvent, EventHandler
from neo.lib import logging
from neo.lib.protocol import (CellStates, ClusterStates, NodeStates, NodeTypes,
Packets, Packet, uuid_str, ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, MAX_TID)
......@@ -2321,6 +2321,36 @@ class Test(NEOThreadedTest):
@with_cluster(start_cluster=0, master_count=2,
partitions=2, storage_count=2, autostart=2)
def testSplitBrainAtCreation(self, cluster):
Check cluster creation when storage nodes are identified before all
masters see each other and elect a primary.
XXX: Do storage nodes need a node id before the cluster is created ?
Another solution is that they treat their ids as temporary as long
as the partition table is empty.
for m, s in zip((min, max), cluster.storage_list):
key=lambda node: node.getAddress()))
with ConnectionFilter() as f:
f.add(lambda conn, packet:
isinstance(packet, Packets.RequestIdentification)
and packet.decode()[0] == NodeTypes.MASTER)
neoctl = cluster.neoctl
getClusterState = neoctl.getClusterState
getStorageList = lambda: neoctl.getNodeList(NodeTypes.STORAGE)
self.assertEqual(getClusterState(), ClusterStates.RECOVERING)
self.assertEqual(1, len(getStorageList()))
with Patch(EventHandler, protocolError=lambda *_: sys.exit()):
self.assertEqual({1: NodeStates.RUNNING, 2: NodeStates.RUNNING},
{x[2]: x[3] for x in neoctl.getNodeList(NodeTypes.STORAGE)})
@with_cluster(partitions=2, storage_count=2)
def testStorageBackendLastIDs(self, cluster):
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