Commit a3a7e609 authored by Grégory Wisniewski's avatar Grégory Wisniewski

Move TODO/XXX to TODO-list, tasks created.

- Delayed node acceptation
- Verification process review
- Partition table tweaking improvement required
- Node/Connection state review
- Error packet review

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent e3be99da
......@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ RC = Release Critical (for next release)
BROKEN is removed ?
- Clarify the use of each error codes:
- NO_ERROR error packet vs ACK special packet
- NOT_READY removed (connection kept opened until ready)
RC - Clarify cell state signification
- Add docstrings (think of doctests)
RC - Update README (TODOs should be dropped/moved here)
......@@ -30,6 +34,14 @@ RC - Review output of pylint (CODE)
a node, and as all nods can be reperesented as Node class instances,
such instance should directly contain associated connection for code
Link node state and connection state, a node cannot be seens as running
and unconnected at the same time from a node point of view.
Consider something like:
- DOWN implies that the node is dropped from manager/db/config
- Rework indexes in NodeManager class (CODE)
NodeManager should provide indexes to quickly find nodes by type, UUID,
(ip, port), connection type (listening...) and state (identified...)
......@@ -56,6 +68,16 @@ RC - Review output of pylint (CODE)
(don't wait at all).
There is such delay somewhere in master node startup (near the end of
the election phase).
- Implements delayed connection acceptation.
Currently, any node that connects to early to another that is busy for
some reasons is immediately rejected with the 'not ready' error code. This
should be replaced by a queue in the listening node that keep a pool a
nodes that will be accepted late, when the conditions will be satisfied.
This is mainly the case for :
- Client rejected before the cluster is operational
- Empty storages rejected during recovery process
Masters implies in the election process should still reject any connection
as the primary master is still unknown.
- Connections must support 2 simultaneous handlers (CODE)
Connections currently define only one handler, which is enough for
monothreaded code. But when using multithreaded code, there are 2
......@@ -196,6 +218,8 @@ RC - Review output of pylint (CODE)
when moving on to next phase.
- Optimize operational status check by recording which rows are ready
instead of parsing the whole partition table. (SPEED)
- Improve partition table tweaking algorithm to reduce differences between
frequently and rarely used nodes (SCALABILITY)
- Client should prefer storage nodes it's already connected to when
......@@ -456,15 +456,6 @@ class Application(object):
if conn.getUUID() is None:
# Node identification was refused by master.
# Sleep a bit an retry.
# XXX: This should be replaced by:
# - queuing RequestIdentification at master side
# - sending the acceptance from master when it becomes
# ready
# Thus removing the need to:
# - needlessly bother the primary master every 5 seconds
# (...per client)
# - have a sleep in the code (yuck !)
if self.uuid is not None:
......@@ -488,21 +488,6 @@ class Application(object):'start to verify data')
# Gather all unfinished transactions.
# FIXME this part requires more brainstorming. Currently, this deals with
# only unfinished transactions. But how about finished transactions?
# Suppose that A and B have an unfinished transaction. First, A and B are
# asked to commit the transaction. Then, A succeeds. B gets down. Now,
# A believes that the transaction has been committed, while B still believes
# that the transaction is unfinished. Next, if B goes back and A is working,
# no problem; because B's unfinished transaction will be committed correctly.
# However, when B goes back, if A is down, what happens? If the state is
# not very good, B may be asked to abort the transaction!
# This situation won't happen frequently, and B shouldn't be asked to drop
# the transaction, if the cluster is not ready. However, there might be
# some corner cases where this may happen. That's why more brainstorming
# is required.
self.asking_uuid_dict = {}
self.unfinished_tid_set = set()
for conn in em.getConnectionList():
......@@ -242,10 +242,6 @@ class PartitionTable(
self.count_dict[node] += 1
num_cells += 1
# FIXME still not enough. It is necessary to check if it is possible
# to reduce differences between frequently used nodes and rarely used
# nodes by replacing cells.
return changed_cell_list
......@@ -83,19 +83,15 @@ class Node(object):
return False
def isIdentified(self):
# XXX: knowing the node's UUID is sufficient ?
return self._uuid is not Node
def isRunning(self):
# FIXME: is it like 'connected' ?
return self._state == NodeStates.RUNNING
def isTemporarilyDown(self):
# FIXME: is it like 'unconnected' or UNKNOWN state ?
return self._state == NodeStates.TEMPORARILY_DOWN
def isDown(self):
# FIXME: is it like 'unconnected' or 'forgotten' ?
return self._state == NodeStates.DOWN
def isBroken(self):
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 0x4000000
class ErrorCodes(Enum):
# TODO: clarify the use of each error code
NO_ERROR = Enum.Item(0)
NOT_READY = Enum.Item(1)
OID_NOT_FOUND = Enum.Item(2)
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