Commit 1035bbce authored by Tom Niget's avatar Tom Niget Committed by Tom Niget

demo: add scripts for cleaning leftover files

The demo expects its storage directory to be clean at start, otherwise undefined behavior will occur.
parent cf65f46d
To run the demo, make sure all the dependencies are installed and run `./` and then `./demo 8000` (or any port).
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for b in $(sudo ip l | grep -Po 'NETNS\w\w[\d\-a-f]+'); do sudo ip l del $b; done
pkill screen
killall python
killall python3
find . -name '*.db' -delete
find . -name '*.crt' -delete
./; find . -name '*.crt' -delete; find . -name '*.db' -delete; find . -name '*.log' -delete
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