Commit b84874e1 authored by Tom Niget's avatar Tom Niget

py2to3: fix various python2 test and types breakings

parent 583681b5
......@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ class RegistryClient(object):
kw = getcallargs(*args, **kw)
query = '/' + name
if kw:
if any(type(v) is not str for v in kw.values()):
if any(not isinstance(v, (str, bytes)) for v in kw.values()):
raise TypeError(kw)
query += '?' + urlencode(kw)
url = self._path + query
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class TestRegistryClientInteract(unittest.TestCase):"Request token failed, no token in database")
# token: tuple[unicode,]
token = str(token[0])
self.assertEqual(client.isToken(token), "1")
self.assertEqual(client.isToken(token).decode(), "1")
# request ca
ca = client.getCa()
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class TestRegistryClientInteract(unittest.TestCase):
# request a cert and get cn
key, csr = tools.generate_csr()
cert = client.requestCertificate(token, csr)
self.assertEqual(client.isToken(token), '', "token should be deleted")
self.assertEqual(client.isToken(token).decode(), '', "token should be deleted")
# creat x509.cert object
def write_to_temp(text):
......@@ -97,18 +97,19 @@ class TestRegistryClientInteract(unittest.TestCase):
# verfiy cn and prefix
prefix = client.cert.prefix
cn = client.getNodePrefix(email)
cn = client.getNodePrefix(email).decode()
self.assertEqual(tools.prefix2cn(prefix), cn)
# simulate the process in cache
# just prove works
net_config = client.getNetworkConfig(prefix)
net_config = json.loads(zlib.decompress(net_config))
self.assertEqual(net_config[u'max_clients'], self.max_clients)
# no re6stnet, empty result
bootpeer = client.getBootstrapPeer(prefix)
self.assertEqual(bootpeer, "")
self.assertEqual(bootpeer.decode(), "")
# server should not die
......@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ import logging
import random
from pathlib import Path
import network_build
import re6st_wrap
from . import network_build, re6st_wrap
PING_PATH = str(Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "")
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class TestRegistryServer(unittest.TestCase):
request.send_header.assert_any_call("Content-Length", str(len(result)))
base64.b64encode(hmac.HMAC(key, result, hashlib.sha1).digest()))
base64.b64encode(hmac.HMAC(key, result, hashlib.sha1).digest()).decode("ascii"))
# remove the create session \n
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