Commit 3f8dfa4c authored by Ulysse Beaugnon's avatar Ulysse Beaugnon

Update in simulations

parent 9abaa20d
Bug :
possible bug in the upnp refresh, when refreshing after a too long time
To be done :
Test the package
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class main(object):
def __init__(self):
self.cert_duration = 365 * 86400
self.time_out = 86400
self.time_out = 45000
self.refresh_interval = 600
self.last_refresh = time.time()
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def getConfig():
_('--registry', required=True,
help="HTTP URL of the discovery peer server,"
" with public host (default port: 80)")
_('--peers-db-refresh', default=3600, type=int,
_('--peers-db-refresh', default=43200, type=int,
help='the time (seconds) to wait before refreshing the peers db')
_('-l', '--log', default='/var/log',
help='Path to re6stnet logs directory')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
max_peers = 30
nFiles = 2
nRounds = 3000
nFiles = 4
nRounds = 900
file_names = ['out_%s.csv' % i for i in range(nFiles)]
distance = [0] * nRounds
arityLat = [[0] * (max_peers - 9) for i in range(10)]
arity = [[0] * 31 for i in range(nRounds)]
arity = [[0] * (max_peers + 1) for i in range(nRounds)]
for file_name in file_names:
# open the file
......@@ -16,27 +17,38 @@ for file_name in file_names:
for line in lines:
vals = line.split(',')
if len(vals) < 2:
i = int(vals[0])
if i >= nRounds:
distance[i] += float(vals[1])
for j in range(0, 31):
arity[i][j] += float(vals[j + 2])
for j in range(10, 31):
arity[i][j] += float(vals[j - 6])
for j in range(0, 10):
for k in range(0, max_peers - 9):
arityLat[j][k] += int(vals[48 + 22 * j + k])
for i in range(0, nRounds):
distance[i] = distance[i] / len(file_names)
for j in range(0, 31):
arity[i][j] = arity[i][j] / len(file_names)
plt.plot(range(31), arity[1], range(31), arity[nRounds - 1])
plt.legend(('Random network', 'After %s iterations' % nRounds))
for i in range(0, 10):
s = sum(arityLat[i])
for j in range(0, max_peers - 9):
arityLat[i][j] = float(arityLat[i][j]) / float(s)
#plt.plot(range(31), arity[1], range(31), arity[nRounds - 1])
#plt.legend(('Random network', 'After %s iterations' % nRounds))
#plt.axis([10, 30, 0, 0.3])
latRange = range(10, 31)
plt.plot(latRange, arityLat[0], latRange, arityLat[9])
plt.legend(('average latency < 50ms', 'average latency > 90ms'), loc=2)
plt.ylabel('Ratio of node')
plt.axis([10, 30, 0, 0.4])
#plt.plot(range(0, nRounds), distance)
#include "main.h"
Graph::Graph(int size, int k, int maxPeers, mt19937& rng, Latency* latency) :
Graph::Graph(int size, int k, int maxPeers, mt19937& rng, Latency* latency, double minKillProba, double maxKillProba) :
generator(mt19937(rng())), size(size), k(k), maxPeers(maxPeers), latency(latency),
distrib(uniform_int_distribution<int>(0, size-1))
adjacency = new unordered_set<int>[size];
generated = new unordered_set<int>[size];
killProba = new double[size];
uniform_real_distribution<double> kill_distrib(minKillProba, maxKillProba);
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
killProba[i] = kill_distrib(generator);
Graph::Graph(Graph& g) :
......@@ -328,11 +333,11 @@ void Graph::KillMachines(float proportion)
void Graph::Reboot(double proba, int round)
void Graph::Reboot()
uniform_real_distribution<double> d(0.0, 1.0);
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
if(d(generator) <= proba)
if(d(generator) <= killProba[i])
stack<int> toSaturate;
......@@ -376,6 +381,18 @@ void Graph::GetArityLat(int arity[][10])
arity[adjacency[i].size()][max(min((int)(latency->avgLatencyToOthers[i] - 45000)/5000, 9), 0)]++;
void Graph::GetArityKill(int arity[][10])
for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
for(int a=0; a<=maxPeers; a++)
arity[a][i] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
arity[adjacency[i].size()][max(min((int)(killProba[i]*200.0), 9), 0)]++;
double Graph::GetAvgDistanceHop()
double avgDist = 0;
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ Latency::Latency(const char* filePath, int size) : size(size)
values[a-1][b-1] = latency;
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
avgLatencyToOthers[i] = 0;
......@@ -35,7 +37,6 @@ Latency::Latency(const char* filePath, int size) : size(size)
avgLatencyToOthers[i] /= size;
void Latency::Rewrite(int n)
......@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ Latency::~Latency()
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
delete[] values[i];
delete[] values;
delete[] avgLatencyToOthers;
double Latency::GetAverageDistance()
......@@ -13,44 +13,47 @@ void simulate(int size, int k, int maxPeer, int seed, Latency* latency, const ch
FILE* output = fopen(outName, "wt");
int fno = fileno(output);
double nRoutesKilled = 0;
int arityLatDistrib[maxPeer+1][10];
//int arityKillDistrib[maxPeer+1][10];
double avgDistance, unreachable;
double arityDistrib[31], bcArity[31];
Graph graph(size, k, maxPeer, rng, latency);
Graph graph(size, k, maxPeer, rng, latency, 0, 0.05);
cout << "\r" << 0 << "/" << 3000;
for(int i=0; i<3000; i++)
/*for(float a=0.05; a<1; a+=0.05)
Graph copy(graph);
fprintf(output, "%d,%f,%f\n",i , a , copy.GetUnAvalaibility());
for(float a=0.05; a<1; a+=0.05)
Graph copy(graph);
fprintf(output, "%d,%f,%f\n",i , a , copy.GetUnAvalaibility());
//graph.Reboot(1.0/(100 + 1.0), i);
graph.UpdateLowRoutes(avgDistance, unreachable, nRoutesKilled, arityDistrib, bcArity, 1, i);
fprintf(output, "%d,%f,%f,A", i, avgDistance, nRoutesKilled);
fprintf(output, "%d,%f,%f", i, avgDistance, nRoutesKilled);
for(int j=k; j<=30; j++)
fprintf(output, ",%f", arityDistrib[j]);
fprintf(output, ",B");
/*fprintf(output, ",B");
for(int j=k; j<=30; j++)
fprintf(output, ",%f", bcArity[j]);
for(int j=0; j<10; j++)
fprintf(output, ",L%d", j);
fprintf(output, ",K%d", j);
for(int a=k; a<=maxPeer; a++)
fprintf(output, ",%d", arityLatDistrib[a][j]);
fprintf(output, ",%d", arityKillDistrib[a][j]);
fprintf(output, "\n");
......@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ void testOptimized(int size, int k, int maxPeer, int seed, Latency* latency, con
FILE* input = fopen("update_order", "r");
mt19937 rng(seed);
Graph graph(size, k, maxPeer, rng, latency);
Graph graph(size, k, maxPeer, rng, latency, 0, 0.1);
double nRoutesKilled = 0;
int arityDistrib[maxPeer+1];
......@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ void testOptimized(int size, int k, int maxPeer, int seed, Latency* latency, con
graph.Reboot(1.0/(2500 + 1.0), i);
cout << "\r" << i+1 << "/" << 3000;
......@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ void Optimize(int size, int k, int maxPeer, int seed, Latency* latency, const ch
int fno = fileno(output);
mt19937 rng(seed);
Graph* graph = new Graph(size, k, maxPeer, rng, latency);
Graph* graph = new Graph(size, k, maxPeer, rng, latency, 0, 0.1);
int range = maxPeer - k + 1;
int updates[range];
......@@ -181,7 +184,7 @@ void Optimize(int size, int k, int maxPeer, int seed, Latency* latency, const ch
graph->Reboot(1.0/(2500 + 1.0), i);
cout << "\r" << i+1 << "/" << 3000;cout.flush();
......@@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ void Optimize(int size, int k, int maxPeer, int seed, Latency* latency, const ch
string computeDist(int size, int k, int maxPeer, int seed, Latency* latency)
mt19937 rng(seed);
Graph graph(size, k, maxPeer, rng, latency);
Graph graph(size, k, maxPeer, rng, latency, 0, 0.1);
double avgDistLatency = 0;
int nRoutes[size], prevs[size], distances[size];
......@@ -215,12 +218,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
mt19937 rng(time(NULL));
Latency* latency = new Latency("datasets/latency_2_2500", 2500);
//cout << "Optimal distance : " << latency->GetAverageDistance() << endl;
//cout << "Average ping : " << latency->GetAveragePing() << endl;
cout << "Optimal distance : " << latency->GetAverageDistance() << endl;
cout << "Average ping : " << latency->GetAveragePing() << endl;
vector<future<void>> threads;
for(int i=0; i<1; i++)
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
int seed = rng();
char* out = new char[100];
......@@ -38,18 +38,19 @@ private:
class Graph
Graph(int size, int k, int maxPeers, mt19937& generator, Latency* latency);
Graph(int size, int k, int maxPeers, mt19937& generator, Latency* latency, double minKillProba, double maxKillProba);
Graph(Graph& g);
~Graph() { delete[] adjacency; delete[] generated;};
~Graph() { delete[] adjacency; delete[] generated; delete[] killProba;};
int UpdateLowRoutes(double& avgDistance, double& unreachable, double& nRoutesKilled, double* arityDistrib, double* bcArity, int nRefresh, int round);
double GetUnAvalaibility();
void Reboot(double proba, int round);
void Reboot();
void KillMachines(float proportion);
pair<double, double> UpdateLowRoutesArity(int arityToUpdate);
void GetArity(int* arity);
void GetRoutesFrom(int from, int* nRoutes, int* prevs, int* distances);
double GetAvgDistanceHop();
void GetArityLat(int arity[][10]);
void GetArityKill(int arity[][10]);
void SaturateNode(int node);
......@@ -67,4 +68,5 @@ private:
unordered_set<int>* adjacency;
unordered_set<int>* generated;
Latency* latency;
double* killProba;
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