Commit 6728712d authored by Killian Lufau's avatar Killian Lufau

demo: add testing of UDP

The verification of both UDP6 and UDP4 is added to the demo by
forcing machine 8 to create a monotunnel, either with machine 6 or 7.
These 2 machines, additionnaly to talking to machine8 with UDP6,
can talk to the registry and to each other via UDP4, they also keep
their ability to create tunnels via TCP with other machines.
parent 24fea8cd
......@@ -146,6 +146,11 @@ m7_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24)
m8_if_0.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24)
m6_if_1.add_v4_address(address='', prefix_len=24)
# Add IPv6 addresses to test UDP6 between m8 and m6/m7
m6_if_0.add_v6_address(address='fc42:6::1', prefix_len=16)
m7_if_0.add_v6_address(address='fc42:7::1', prefix_len=16)
m8_if_0.add_v6_address(address='fc42:8::1', prefix_len=16)
def add_llrtr(iface, peer, dst='default'):
for a in peer.get_addresses():
a = a['address']
......@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ log m6/
run m6/run
state m6/
pp 1194 tcp
pp 1194 udp
pp 1195 udp6
ca ca.crt
cert m6/cert.crt
key m6/cert.key
disable-proto none
# TODO: Run a DHCPv4 client on machine9. Unfortunately, isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4
# fails with "Bind socket to interface: No such device"
daemon "exec dnsmasq -d8 - -i $re6stnet_iface -F,,,infinite -F ${re6stnet_subnet%/*},ra-only,${re6stnet_subnet#*/},1d -O option:router, -l m6/dnsmasq.leases"
......@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ log m7/
run m7/run
state m7/
pp 1194 tcp
pp 1194 udp
pp 1195 udp6
ca ca.crt
cert m7/cert.crt
key m7/cert.key
disable-proto none
......@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ state m8/
ca ca.crt
cert m8/cert.crt
key m8/cert.key
disable-proto none
client fc42:6::1,1195,udp6;fc42:7::1,1195,udp6
......@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ ca ca.crt
cert registry/cert.crt
key registry/cert.key
disable-proto none
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