• Łukasz Nowak's avatar
    Improve interactivity. · 95e98710
    Łukasz Nowak authored
    Whenever planned Sale Order is reindexed try to fire up ordering alarm.
    Whenever ordered Sale Order is reindexed try to fire up confirming alarm.
    Whenever Hosting Subscription is reindexed try to fire up update open order alarm.
    In all cases obey alarm configuration (if it is subscribed, if alarm is active,
    if is not running).
    Whenever item is reindexed (Software Instance, Slave Instance, Software
    Installation or Computer Partition) try to register recalculation of related
    computer cache.
    In neither case try to be "smart" (eg. waiting for reindexation to finish) as
    this code just tries to speed up the system, it cannot achieve synchronism of
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