Commit 663a9fbd authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

No need to re-request destruction.

parent 5c0934e2
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ now = DateTime()\n
if hosting_subscription.getAggregateRelatedValue(portal_type=\'Sale Order Line\').getParentValue().getDestinationSectionValue().getReference() == \'seleniumtester\' and \\\n
hosting_subscription.getModificationDate() < (now - 1):\n
if hosting_subscription.SoftwareInstance_getStatus() != \'Destroyed\':\n
if hosting_subscription.SoftwareInstance_getStatus() not in [\'Destroyed\', \'Destruction in progress\']:\n
software_instance = hosting_subscription.getPredecessorValue(portal_type=\'Software Instance\')\n
if software_instance is not None:\n
software_instance.requestDestroyComputerPartition(comment=\'Requested by clenaup alarm\', activate_kw={\'tag\': tag})\n
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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