Commit 1895f0ed authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

bigfile/zodb/tests: When testing check whole ZBlk content, not only [0]

Since 13c0c17c (bigfile/zodb: Format #1 which is optimized for small
changes) each ZBlk is split into chunks, and the procedure to load/save
blk data collects/disassembles the chunks.

Previously in bigfile/zodb tests, we were testing by verifying only [0]
element in each block, so this way most code for chunks
collection/disassembling was not tested.

Fix this aspect by making sure whole block content is as would-be
expected in tests.
parent c7750965
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from persistent import UPTODATE, GHOST, CHANGED
import transaction
from transaction import TransactionManager
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
from numpy import ndarray, array_equal, uint8, zeros
from numpy import ndarray, array_equal, uint32, zeros, arange
from threading import Thread
from six.moves import _thread
from six import b
......@@ -205,9 +205,10 @@ def test_livepersistent():
# i'th memory block as u8 ndarray
# i'th memory block as u32 ndarray
blksize32 = blksize // 4
def Blk(vma, i):
return ndarray(blksize, offset=i*blksize, buffer=vma, dtype=uint8)
return ndarray(blksize32, offset=i*blksize, buffer=vma, dtype=uint32)
def test_bigfile_filezodb():
root = dbopen()
......@@ -218,13 +219,14 @@ def test_bigfile_filezodb():
vma = fh.mmap(0, blen) # XXX assumes blksize == pagesize
# verify that empty file reads as all zeros
data0 = zeros(blksize, dtype=uint8)
data0 = zeros(blksize32, dtype=uint32)
dataX = lambda i: arange(i*blksize32, (i+1)*blksize32, dtype=uint32)
for i in xrange(blen):
assert array_equal(data0, Blk(vma, i))
# dirty data
for i in xrange(blen):
Blk(vma, i)[0] = i
Blk(vma, i)[:] = dataX(i)
# verify that the changes are lost after abort
......@@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ def test_bigfile_filezodb():
# dirty & abort once again
# (verifies that ZBigFile data manager re-registers with transaction)
for i in xrange(blen):
Blk(vma, i)[0] = i
Blk(vma, i)[:] = dataX(i)
for i in xrange(blen):
......@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ def test_bigfile_filezodb():
# dirty data & commit
for i in xrange(blen):
Blk(vma, i)[0] = i
Blk(vma, i)[:] = dataX(i)
......@@ -265,7 +267,7 @@ def test_bigfile_filezodb():
# verify data as re-loaded
for i in xrange(blen):
assert Blk(vma, i)[0] == i
assert array_equal(Blk(vma, i), dataX(i))
# evict all loaded pages and test loading them again
......@@ -274,7 +276,7 @@ def test_bigfile_filezodb():
assert reclaimed >= blen # XXX assumes pagesize=blksize
for i in xrange(blen):
assert Blk(vma, i)[0] == i
assert array_equal(Blk(vma, i), dataX(i))
# dirty once again & commit
# (verified ZBlk.__setstate__() & storeblk logic when storing data the second time)
......@@ -298,6 +300,7 @@ def test_bigfile_filezodb():
# verify data as re-loaded
for i in xrange(blen):
assert Blk(vma, i)[0] == i+1
assert array_equal(Blk(vma, i)[1:], dataX(i)[1:])
# ZBigFile should survive Persistent cache clearing and not go to ghost
......@@ -314,6 +317,7 @@ def test_bigfile_filezodb():
# verify that data changes propagation continue to work
assert Blk(vma, 0)[0] == 1
assert array_equal(Blk(vma, 0)[1:], dataX(0)[1:])
Blk(vma, 0)[0] = 99
......@@ -329,8 +333,10 @@ def test_bigfile_filezodb():
# verify data as re-loaded
assert Blk(vma, 0)[0] == 99
assert array_equal(Blk(vma, 0)[1:], dataX(0)[1:])
for i in xrange(1, blen):
assert Blk(vma, i)[0] == i+1
assert array_equal(Blk(vma, i)[1:], dataX(i)[1:])
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