Commit f9d36ba7 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Test under all py2_pickle{1,2,3} and py3_pickle3 ZODB kinds + fix discovered issues

Hello @jerome,

For ZODB/go and WCFS, in order to support Python3 and Python2 with recent
ZODB5, I need to extend generated test databases to cover all ZODB kinds
instead of only ZODB/py2 + pickle protocol=2 we had before. This resulted in
`run_with_all_zodb_pickle_kinds` utility inside and zodbtools
also becoming well tested under all kinds of ZODB databases:

    py2: ZODB 4 and ZODB5 < 5.3     (pickle protocol 1)
    py2: ZODB 5.3                   (pickle protocol 2)
    py2: ZODB ≥ 5.4                 (pickle protocol 3)
    py3: ZODB4 and ZODB5            (pickle protocol 3)

Please find the patches that do that for zodbtools attached. Some problems
popped up due to extended testing coverage and they are fixed as well.

Please see individual patches for details.


/cc @vnmabus, @levin.zimmermann
/reviewed-by @jerome
/reviewed-on nexedi/zodbtools!29
parents fbb2a3d9 dbfea935
Pipeline #36010 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ setup(
keywords = 'zodb utility tool',
packages = find_packages(),
install_requires = ['ZODB', 'zodburi', 'zope.interface', 'pygolang >= 0.0.0.dev6', 'six', 'dateparser'],
install_requires = ['ZODB', 'zodbpickle', 'zodburi', 'zope.interface', 'pygolang >= 0.0.0.dev6', 'six', 'dateparser'],
extras_require = {
'test': ['pytest', 'freezegun', 'pytz', 'mock;python_version<="2.7"'],
'test': ['pytest', 'freezegun', 'pytz', 'mock;python_version<="2.7"', 'random2', 'ZEO[test]'],
entry_points= {'console_scripts': ['zodb = zodbtools.zodb:main']},
# Copyright (C) 2019 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
......@@ -19,13 +19,58 @@
import pytest
from zodbtools.test.testutil import zext_supported
import os
from os.path import basename, dirname, relpath
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree
import pkg_resources
testdir = dirname(__file__)
# ztestdata is test fixture to run a test wrt particular ZODB testdata case.
# It yields all testdata cases generated by for both py2 and
# py3 and all covered ZODB pickle kinds.
# ztestdata.prefix is where test database and other generated files live.
# ztestdata.prefix + '/data.fs' , in particular, is the path to test database.
(name, zext, zkind)
# NOTE keep in sync with run_with_all_zodb_pickle_kinds
for name in ('1',)
for zext in (False, True)
for zkind in ('py2_pickle1', 'py2_pickle2', 'py2_pickle3', 'py3_pickle3')
ids = lambda _: '%s%s/%s' % (_[0], '' if _[1] else '_!zext', _[2]),
def ztestdata(request): # -> ZTestData
name, zext, zkind = request.param
_ = ZTestData() = name
_.zext = zext
_.zkind = zkind
return _
class ZTestData(object):
__slots__ = (
def prefix(self):
_ = '%s/testdata/%s%s/%s' % (testdir,, '' if self.zext else '_!zext', self.zkind)
return relpath(_)
# zext is a test fixture function object that allows to exercise 2 cases:
# - when ZODB does not have txn.extension_bytes support
# - when ZODB might have txn.extension_bytes support
# in a test, zext should be used as as follows:
# in a test, zext should be used as follows:
# def test_something(zext):
# # bytes for an extension dict
......@@ -54,3 +99,97 @@ def zext(request):
if not zext_supported():
request.applymarker(pytest.mark.xfail(reason='ZODB does not have txn.extension_bytes support'))
return _
# TestZSrv is base class for all test ZODB storages.
class TestZSrv(object):
# .idname string to use as subtest ID
# .zurl URI to access the storage
# .all_logs returns string with all current server logs
# .teardown should be called when the server is no longer used
# TestFileStorage provides FileStorage for tests.
class TestFileStorage(TestZSrv):
idname = 'FileStorage'
def __init__(self):
self.tmpd = mkdtemp('', 'test_filestorage.')
self.zurl = '%s/1.fs' % self.tmpd
def all_logs(self):
return "FileStorage: no logs"
def teardown(self):
# TestZEOSrv provides ZEO server for tests.
class TestZEOSrv(TestZSrv):
idname = 'ZEO'
def __init__(self):
from ZEO.tests import forker
self.zeo_forker = forker
# .z5 represents whether we are running with ZEO5 or earlier
dzeo = pkg_resources.working_set.find(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('ZEO'))
v5 = pkg_resources.parse_version('5.0dev')
assert dzeo is not None
self.z5 = (dzeo.parsed_version >= v5)
self.tmpd = mkdtemp('', 'test_zeo.')
self.log = '%s/zeo.log' % self.tmpd
port = self.zeo_forker.get_port()
zconf = self.zeo_forker.ZEOConfig(('', port), log=self.log)
_ = self.zeo_forker.start_zeo_server(path='%s/1.fs' % self.tmpd, zeo_conf=zconf, port=port)
if self.z5:
self.addr, self.stop = _
self.addr, self.adminaddr,, self.path = _
self.zurl = 'zeo://localhost:%d/' % port
def all_logs(self):
log = '%s:\n\n' % basename(self.log)
with open(self.log) as f:
log +=
return log
def teardown(self):
if self.z5:
os.waitpid(, 0)
# zsrv is test fixture to run a test wrt particular ZODB storage server.
# It currently yields FileStorage and ZEO.
# Clients should use zsrv.zurl to connect to the storage.
# See TestZSrv and its children classes for details.
@pytest.fixture(params=[TestFileStorage, TestZEOSrv],
ids = lambda _: _.idname)
def zsrv(request): # -> ~TestZSrv
nfail = request.session.testsfailed
zsrv = request.param()
yield zsrv
# see if current test failed
failed = False
if request.session.testsfailed > nfail:
failed = True
# dump server logs on test failure
if failed:
This diff is collapsed.
#!/bin/bash -e
# Copyright (C) 2024 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
# option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
# the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
# Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
# source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
# software used.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
# py2py3-venv combines two virtual environments into one.
# The first virtual environment should be created with python2, and the second with python3.
# In the destination environment:
# - program python2 becomes python interpreter with access to eggs from py2 environment.
# - program python3 becomes python interpreter with access to eggs from py3 environment.
# Similarly programs pip2 and pip3 refer to pip in py2 and py3 environment correspondingly.
# Default programs python and pip without version suffix point to python2 and pip2 correspondingly.
if test $# != 3; then
echo "Usage: py2py3-venv <py2-venv> <py3-venv> <py2py3-venv>" 1>&2
exit 1
# die <msg>
die() {
echo "$@" 1>&2; exit 1
test -e "$py2_venv" || die "E: $py2_venv does not exist"
test -e "$py3_venv" || die "E: $py3_venv does not exist"
test -e "$py2py3_venv" && die "E: $py2py3_venv already exists"
test -e "$py2_venv/bin/python2" || die "E: $py2_venv is not a python2 venv"
test -e "$py3_venv/bin/python3" || die "E: $py3_venv is not a python3 venv"
py2_venv=$(cd "$py2_venv" && pwd) # abspath
py3_venv=$(cd "$py3_venv" && pwd) # abspath
mkdir "$py2py3_venv"
# python2/python3 do not correctly activate their environments when symlinked
cat > "$py2py3_venv/python2" <<EOF
exec "$py2_venv/bin/python2" "\$@"
cat > "$py2py3_venv/python3" <<EOF
exec "$py3_venv/bin/python3" "\$@"
chmod a+x "$py2py3_venv/python2"
chmod a+x "$py2py3_venv/python3"
# for pip it is ok to symlink as pip itself is a program referring to abspath of underlying python
ln -s -T "$py2_venv/bin/pip2" "$py2py3_venv/pip2"
ln -s -T "$py3_venv/bin/pip3" "$py2py3_venv/pip3"
# default python / pip
ln -sT python2 "$py2py3_venv/python"
ln -sT pip2 "$py2py3_venv/pip"
cat > "$py2py3_venv/" <<EOF
X=\${1:-\${BASH_SOURCE[0]}} # path to original is explicitly passed
X=\$(cd \$(dirname \$X) && pwd) # when there is other wrapping us
export PATH="\$X:\$PATH"
export PS1="(\$(basename \$X)) \$PS1"
......@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import os.path
from golang import b
def test_zodbanalyze(tmpdir, capsys):
def test_zodbanalyze(tmpdir, ztestdata, capsys):
tfs1 = fs1_testdata_py23(tmpdir,
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "testdata", "1.fs"))
os.path.join(ztestdata.prefix, "data.fs"))
for use_dbm in (False, True):
......@@ -55,13 +55,11 @@ def test_zodbanalyze(tmpdir, capsys):
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert (
"""Class Name,T.Count,T.Bytes,Pct,AvgSize,C.Count,C.Bytes,O.Count,O.Bytes
== captured.out
with open('%s/zanalyze.csv.ok' % ztestdata.prefix, 'r') as f:
zanalyze_csv_ok =
assert captured.out == zanalyze_csv_ok
assert captured.err == ""
# empty range
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# Jérome Perrin <>
......@@ -21,24 +21,24 @@
from zodbtools.zodbcommit import zodbcommit
from zodbtools.zodbdump import zodbdump, Transaction, ObjectData, ObjectDelete, ObjectCopy
from zodbtools.util import storageFromURL, sha1
from zodbtools.util import storageFromURL, sha1, ashex, fromhex
from ZODB.utils import p64, u64, z64
from ZODB._compat import BytesIO, dumps, _protocol # XXX can't yet commit with arbitrary ext.bytes
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree
from golang import func, defer, b
from golang.gcompat import qq
import sys
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
# verify zodbcommit.
def test_zodbcommit(zext):
tmpd = mkdtemp('', 'zodbcommit.')
defer(lambda: rmtree(tmpd))
stor = storageFromURL('%s/2.fs' % tmpd)
def test_zodbcommit(zsrv, zext):
stor = storageFromURL(zsrv.zurl)
head = stor.lastTransaction()
at0 = stor.lastTransaction()
# commit some transactions via zodbcommit and verify if storage dump gives
# what is expected.
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def test_zodbcommit(zext):
ObjectData(p64(1), b'data1', b('sha1'), sha1(b'data1')),
ObjectData(p64(2), b'data2', b('sha1'), sha1(b'data2'))])
t1.tid = zodbcommit(stor, head, t1)
t1.tid = zodbcommit(stor, at0, t1)
t2 = Transaction(z64, ' ', b'user2', b'desc2', b'', [
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def test_zodbcommit(zext):
buf = BytesIO()
zodbdump(stor, p64(u64(head)+1), None, out=buf)
zodbdump(stor, p64(u64(at0)+1), None, out=buf)
dumped = buf.getvalue()
assert dumped == b''.join([_.zdump() for _ in (t1, t2)])
......@@ -71,3 +71,76 @@ def test_zodbcommit(zext):
data1_3, _, _ = stor.loadBefore(p64(1), p64(u64(t3.tid)+1))
assert data1_1 == data1_3
assert data1_1 == b'data1' # just in case
# verify zodbcommit via commandline / stdin.
def test_zodbcommit_cmd(zsrv, zext):
# for ZEO sync is noop unless server_sync=True is specified in options,
# but server_sync is available only on ZEO5, not ZEO4. Work it around with
# opening/closing the storage on every query.
def zsrv_do(f):
stor = storageFromURL(zsrv.zurl)
return f(stor)
at0 = zsrv_do(lambda stor: stor.lastTransaction())
# zodbcommit_cmd does `zodb commit` via command line and returns TID of
# committed transction.
def zodbcommit_cmd(at, stdin): # -> tid
p = Popen([sys.executable, '-m', 'zodbtools.zodb', 'commit',
zsrv.zurl, ashex(at)], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
stdout, _ = p.communicate(stdin)
assert p.returncode == 0, stdout
return fromhex(stdout.rstrip())
t1 = b'''\
user "user name"
description "description ..."
extension %s
obj 0000000000000001 5 sha1:%s
obj 0000000000000002 5 sha1:%s
''' % (qq(zext(dumps({'a': 'b'}, _protocol))), ashex(sha1(b'data1')), ashex(sha1(b'data2')))
t2 = b'''\
user "user2"
description "desc2"
extension ""
obj 0000000000000002 delete
at1 = zodbcommit_cmd(at0, t1)
at2 = zodbcommit_cmd(at1, t2)
t1 = (b'txn %s " "\n' % ashex(at1)) + t1
t2 = (b'txn %s " "\n' % ashex(at2)) + t2
def _(stor):
buf = BytesIO()
zodbdump(stor, p64(u64(at0)+1), None, out=buf)
return buf.getvalue()
dumped = zsrv_do(_)
assert dumped == b''.join([t1, t2])
t3 = b'''\
user "user3"
description "desc3"
extension ""
obj 0000000000000001 from %s
''' % ashex(at1)
# XXX see note about ObjectCopy in test_zodbcommit
at3 = zodbcommit_cmd(at1, t3)
def _(stor):
data1_1, _, _ = stor.loadBefore(p64(1), p64(u64(at1)+1))
data1_3, _, _ = stor.loadBefore(p64(1), p64(u64(at3)+1))
assert data1_1 == data1_3
assert data1_1 == b'data1' # just in case
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# Jérome Perrin <>
......@@ -28,22 +28,36 @@ from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from ZODB.utils import p64
from io import BytesIO
from os.path import dirname
from zodbtools.test.testutil import fs1_testdata_py23
from pytest import mark, raises
from six import PY3
from zodbtools.test.testutil import zext_supported, fs1_testdata_py23
from pytest import mark, raises, xfail
# verify zodbdump output against golden
@mark.parametrize('pretty', ('raw', 'zpickledis'))
def test_zodbdump(tmpdir, zext, pretty):
tdir = dirname(__file__)
zkind = '_!zext' if zext.disabled else ''
tfs1 = fs1_testdata_py23(tmpdir, '%s/testdata/1%s.fs' % (tdir, zkind))
def test_zodbdump(tmpdir, ztestdata, pretty):
tfs1 = fs1_testdata_py23(tmpdir, '%s/data.fs' % ztestdata.prefix)
stor = FileStorage(tfs1, read_only=True)
with open('%s/testdata/1%s.zdump.%s.ok' % (tdir, zkind, pretty), 'rb') as f:
with open('%s/zdump.%s.ok' % (ztestdata.prefix, pretty), 'rb') as f:
dumpok =
# normalize zpickledis.ok to current python:
# unicode comes as *UNICODE u'... on py2 and *UNICODE '... on py3
# bytes comes as *BYTES '... on py2 and *BYTES b'... on py3
if pretty == 'zpickledis':
if PY3:
dumpok = dumpok.replace(b"UNICODE u'", b"UNICODE '")
dumpok = dumpok.replace(b'UNICODE u"', b'UNICODE "')
dumpok = dumpok.replace(b"BYTES '", b"BYTES b'")
dumpok = dumpok.replace(b'BYTES "', b'BYTES b"')
dumpok = dumpok.replace(b"UNICODE '", b"UNICODE u'")
dumpok = dumpok.replace(b'UNICODE "', b'UNICODE u"')
dumpok = dumpok.replace(b"BYTES b'", b"BYTES '")
dumpok = dumpok.replace(b'BYTES b"', b'BYTES "')
out = BytesIO()
zodbdump(stor, None, None, pretty=pretty, out=out)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -24,22 +24,16 @@ from zodbtools.zodbrestore import zodbrestore
from zodbtools.util import storageFromURL, readfile
from zodbtools.test.testutil import fs1_testdata_py23
from os.path import dirname
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree
from golang import func, defer
# verify zodbrestore.
def test_zodbrestore(tmpdir, zext):
zkind = '_!zext' if zext.disabled else ''
# restore from testdata/1.zdump.ok and verify it gives result that is
# bit-to-bit identical to testdata/1.fs
tdata = dirname(__file__) + "/testdata"
def test_zodbrestore(tmpdir, ztestdata):
# restore from zdump.ok and verify it gives result that is
# bit-to-bit identical to data.fs
def _():
zdump = open("%s/1%s.zdump.raw.ok" % (tdata, zkind), 'rb')
zdump = open("%s/zdump.raw.ok" % ztestdata.prefix, 'rb')
stor = storageFromURL('%s/2.fs' % tmpdir)
......@@ -48,6 +42,6 @@ def test_zodbrestore(tmpdir, zext):
zodbrestore(stor, zdump)
zfs1 = readfile(fs1_testdata_py23(tmpdir, "%s/1%s.fs" % (tdata, zkind)))
zfs1 = readfile(fs1_testdata_py23(tmpdir, "%s/data.fs" % ztestdata.prefix))
zfs2 = readfile("%s/2.fs" % tmpdir)
assert zfs1 == zfs2
Class Name,T.Count,T.Bytes,Pct,AvgSize,C.Count,C.Bytes,O.Count,O.Bytes
This diff is collapsed.
Class Name,T.Count,T.Bytes,Pct,AvgSize,C.Count,C.Bytes,O.Count,O.Bytes
Class Name,T.Count,T.Bytes,Pct,AvgSize,C.Count,C.Bytes,O.Count,O.Bytes
This diff is collapsed.
Class Name,T.Count,T.Bytes,Pct,AvgSize,C.Count,C.Bytes,O.Count,O.Bytes
This diff is collapsed.
Class Name,T.Count,T.Bytes,Pct,AvgSize,C.Count,C.Bytes,O.Count,O.Bytes
Class Name,T.Count,T.Bytes,Pct,AvgSize,C.Count,C.Bytes,O.Count,O.Bytes
Class Name,T.Count,T.Bytes,Pct,AvgSize,C.Count,C.Bytes,O.Count,O.Bytes
Class Name,T.Count,T.Bytes,Pct,AvgSize,C.Count,C.Bytes,O.Count,O.Bytes
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
......@@ -72,9 +71,10 @@ def _zext_supported():
def fs1_testdata_py23(tmpdir, path):
data = readfile(path)
index = readfile(path + ".index")
assert data[:4] == b"FS21" # FileStorage magic for Python2
if PY3:
data = b"FS30" + data[4:] # FileStorage magic for Python3
head = data[:4]
assert head in (b"FS21", b"FS30") # FileStorage magics for Python2 and Python3
head = b"FS30" if PY3 else b"FS21"
data = head + data[4:]
path_ = "%s/%s" % (tmpdir, basename(path))
......@@ -67,11 +67,16 @@ from zodbtools.util import ashex, fromhex, sha1, txnobjv, parse_tidrange, TidRan
storageFromURL, hashRegistry, asbinstream
from ZODB._compat import loads, _protocol, BytesIO
from zodbpickle.slowpickle import Pickler as pyPickler
import pickletools
from ZODB.interfaces import IStorageTransactionInformation
from zope.interface import implementer
import sys
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
from zodbpickle import pickletools_2 as zpickletools
from zodbpickle import pickletools_3 as zpickletools
import logging as log
import re
from golang.gcompat import qq
......@@ -124,7 +129,7 @@ def zodbdump(stor, tidmin, tidmax, hashonly=False, pretty='raw', out=asbinstream
extf = BytesIO(rawext)
disf = StringIO()
pickletools.dis(extf, disf)
zpickletools.dis(extf, disf)
out.write(b(indent(disf.getvalue(), " ")))
extra =
if len(extra) > 0:
......@@ -165,8 +170,8 @@ def zodbdump(stor, tidmin, tidmax, hashonly=False, pretty='raw', out=asbinstream
dataf = BytesIO(
disf = StringIO()
memo = {} # memo is shared in between class and state
pickletools.dis(dataf, disf, memo) # class
pickletools.dis(dataf, disf, memo) # state
zpickletools.dis(dataf, disf, memo) # class
zpickletools.dis(dataf, disf, memo) # state
out.write(b(indent(disf.getvalue(), " ")))
extra =
if len(extra) > 0:
......@@ -265,7 +270,7 @@ def serializeext(ext):
p = XPickler(buf, _protocol)
out = buf.getvalue()
#out = pickletools.optimize(out) # remove unneeded PUT opcodes
#out = zpickletools.optimize(out) # remove unneeded PUT opcodes
assert loads(out) == ext
return out
......@@ -486,11 +491,19 @@ class Transaction(object):
# .extension_bytes bytes transaction extension
# .objv []Object* objects changed by transaction
def __init__(self, tid, status, user, description, extension, objv):
self.tid = tid
self.status = status
self.user = user
self.description = description
self.extension_bytes = extension
# NOTE we convert fields covered by IStorageTransactionInformation to
# exact types specified by that interface to stay 100% compatible with
# users of the interface because on py3 e.g. (b' ' == ' ') returns
# False and so we need to be careful to provide .status as exactly str
# instead bytes, and do the similar for other fields. It also would be
# generally incorrect to use bstr/ustr for the fields, because e.g. ZEO
# rejects messages with golang.bstr/ustr objects on the basis that they
# do not come from allowed list of modules.
self.tid = _exactly_bytes(tid)
self.status = _exactly_str(status)
self.user = _exactly_bytes(user)
self.description = _exactly_bytes(description)
self.extension_bytes = _exactly_bytes(extension)
self.objv = objv
# ZODB wants to work with extension as {} - try to convert it on the fly.
......@@ -588,3 +601,28 @@ class HashOnly(object):
def __eq__(a, b):
return isinstance(b, HashOnly) and a.size == b.size
# _exactly_bytes returns obj as an instance of exactly type bytes.
# obj must be initially an instance of bytes, e.g. bstr.
def _exactly_bytes(obj): # -> bytes
assert isinstance(obj, bytes), type(obj)
if type(obj) is not bytes:
obj = b(obj) # bstr
obj = obj.encode() # bytes
assert type(obj) is bytes, type(obj)
return obj
# _exactly_str returns obj as an instance of exactly type str.
# obj must be initially an instance of bytes or str/unicode, e.g. bstr or ustr.
def _exactly_str(obj): # -> str
if type(obj) is not str:
obj = b(obj) # bstr
obj = obj.encode() # bytes
if str is not bytes:
obj = obj.decode('UTF-8')
assert type(obj) is str, type(obj)
return obj
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