Commit cd855a47 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat :ghost:

Included draft rest API description.

Working in Progress
parent a5b888e1
The follow text contains the REST API Description for Communication
between slapos.slap and master/proxy.
GET /<computer_id>
Returns information about computer
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id> < connection (json/xml)
Set instance parameter informations on the slagrid server
POST /<computer_id>/usage
Report computer partition usage
POST /<computer_id>/software/building
Reports that Software Release is being build
POST /<computer_id>/software/available
Reports that Software Release is available
POST /<computer_id>/software/error
Add an error for a software Release workflow
### Computer Partition Workflow
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/building
Reports that Computer Partition is being build
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/available
Reports that Computer Partition is available
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/error
Add an error for the software Instance Workflow
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/started
Reports that Computer Partition is started
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/stopped
Reports that Computer Partition is stopped
POST /<computer_id>/partition/<computer_partition_id>/destroyed
Reports that Computer Partition is destroyed
### Still undecided
#@app.route('<computer-id>/partition/<partition_reference>', methods=['PUT'])
@app.route('/partition', methods=['POST'])
def requestComputerPartition(partition_reference = ''):
PUT ??? /configuration < json
Load the given json as configuration for the computer object
GET /<computer_reference>/partition/<partition_reference>
Registers connected representation of computer partition and
returns Computer Partition class object ????
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